Sara Douglass – Battleaxe

Axe-Wielders ride lightly armoured with mailshirts under their cloaks to give them the best

chance against further ice-spears. At night, in camp, men slept fully clothed, weapons to hand,

double sentries posted in case Gorgrael struck again. Ogden and Veremund might hope that Gorgrael had exhausted himself with his effort at the Ancient Barrows, but Axis wasn‘t prepared

to risk it.

Axis felt in a reasonable mood as he sat before the campfire that night, his cohort

commanders and Belial laughing and joking about some tavern brawl they had witnessed in

Arcen, Ogden and Veremund sitting quietly to one side. Axis had virtually ignored the two old

men since they had left the Barrows; everything had gone wrong since he had read the Prophecy.

And though they had argued they would be useful to answer questions Axis might have, both

gave such indistinct answers or such disturbing ones that Axis sometimes found himself

wondering whether or not he should leave them behind.

However, over the past week the Brothers had proved surprisingly pleasant company

about the campfire at night. They had respected Axis‘ wish to be left alone, and had proved to

have such a repertoire of bawdy ballads that even Axis sometimes forgot his cares and dissolved

into embarrassed laughter at their contributions to the campfire ballads.

But they were far more than they appeared. Axis leaned back into the shadows and

narrowed his eyes as he stared at them. Perhaps what they said to him about not knowing the

identity of his father was the truth, but Axis also had the distinct feeling that they did not tell him

all they knew—and how had Ogden known the basic melody of that ward? Axis remembered

how they had faltered over the Service for the Dead at the mass burial site at the Barrows. Was

thirty-nine years long enough to completely forget the words (and yet still remember ancient

enchantments)? It had been embarrassing and disrespectful towards the dead and Axis had

fought hard to restrain his anger at them.

As the Axe-Wielders moved through Arcness and into Arcen itself, Ogden and

Veremund avoided contact with any of the local Plough-Keepers, as the brothers who lived

among and ministered to the people were known. Many among the Axe-Wielders had noted and

commented on their peculiar behaviour. Some of this could simply be the result of spending so

long isolated in the Silent Woman Keep, perhaps combined with the onset of old-age senility, but

Axis wasn‘t sure and he knew that Arne watched them closely as well.

But tonight everyone seemed in a relaxed mood. Belial had produced a harp and was

laughingly trying to play the tune of a ballad he had heard in Arcen. Axis smiled. He liked Belial

very much and respected him as a fighting man, but his attempts at the harp were appalling.

―My friend,‖ Axis leaned back into the light and held out his hand. ―That harp needs

tuning. Let me see.‖

Belial grinned and handed the harp over. Axis‘ diplomatic remark had not fooled Belial

who had deliberately mishandled the strings to prompt Axis into asking for the instrument. Axis

had been too quiet since losing so many men at the Barrows, and Belial tried whenever he could

to lift the man out of his dark moods.

Axis sat back with the harp, making a pretence of tightening the strings, then he looked

around the campfire. ―And what shall we sing tonight, my friends?‖ he asked softly.

―Belle my Wife!‖ one of his commanders called and the others laughed and clapped. It

was a favourite ballad among the Acharites, yet one only a skilled musician could do justice.

Axis smiled with his men and strummed the opening chords.

This winter’s weather, it waxeth cold

and frost it freezeth on every hill,

And Artor blows his blasts so bold

that all our cattle are like to spill.

Belle my Wife, she loves no strife

she said unto me quietly,

Rise up and save Cow Crumbocke’s life!

man! put thy cloak about thee!

His voice was clear and strong, and the others let him sing the first four verses before

they joined in. Soon the night rang with good-humoured voices and when the ballad was finally

sung to a close, after the fifth repetition of the final chorus, Axis joined his men in laughter and

loud applause.

He played several more ballads, then, as the mood shifted, strummed soft tunes on the

harp as his commanders talked about the ride north and about the danger they would shortly face.

What were these creatures that had attacked Gorkenfort? Where did they come from? Who drove


―BattleAxe?‖ asked Baldwin, one of Axis‘ commanders. ―What do you think about this

Prophecy? Are the creatures that attack Gorkenfort the Ghostmen the Prophecy speaks of?

Before we left Carlon we thought it was the Forbidden who were responsible. But now…‖ His

voice drifted off.

There was silence as everyone waited for their BattleAxe to answer. Ogden and

Veremund watched him carefully.

―Do you think that Gorgrael‘s Ghostmen attack Gorkenfort, Baldwin?‖ said Axis, turning

the question back.

Baldwin hesitated. The Prophecy Timozel and Arne had brought out of the Silent Woman

Woods had spread like wildfire through the ranks of the Axe-Wielders. Once heard, it was

impossible to forget.

―I cannot get the Prophecy out of my mind,‖ Baldwin admitted, and to one side Ogden

nodded. It was enchanted. Once heard, few would be able to forget it—except the third verse, of

course. Only one man could remember that. He restrained a smile as he thought of the

enchantments that the Prophet had woven into his Prophecy. No doubt the Seneschal would find

over the next few months that many Acharites were not so deeply committed to Artor as they


―It seems to make sense,‖ Baldwin continued softly, ―that if Gorgrael is responsible for

the attacks in the north, then perhaps he was also responsible for the storm that hit the Ancient


Axis frowned and opened his mouth to speak, but another commander, Methuen, broke


―If it is Gorgrael in the north, then we need to find this StarMan to save us.‖

Axis, angry now, opened his mouth again, but was again forestalled.

―Axis,‖ Belial asked gently. ―What is that you play?‖

Stunned by the question and by the circle of eyes gazing at him, Axis closed his mouth.

What was it he played? Axis hadn‘t been paying any attention to what he actually strummed on

the harp. Now he realised that he was playing a haunting melody he had never heard before. But

it was more than that, for the style of music, its phrasing and beat, were completely alien to his


―A silly tune, Belial, nothing more.‖ He dropped the harp at his feet and hurriedly rose. ―I

have to check the sentries,‖ he said, tersely, ―to make sure they have the perimeter adequately


Then he was gone.

Arne rose to follow him but Belial grabbed his arm. ―No. Wait. Give him some time


Axis inspected the sentries, then wandered a little distance from the camp, needing time

to sort out his thoughts. What was happening to him?

The only good thing which could be said for his experiences since the Ancient Barrows

was that his nightmares had finally completely disappeared. But if the lies of his nightmares no

longer troubled Axis, thinking on the continuing enigma of his father made him deeply

uncomfortable. What sort of man was this that could teach a growing foetus how to sing an

enchanted ward to protect himself against evil later in life? Enchantments of any sort were evil,

the Seneschal had taught him that. Even the herbal remedies that many country women used

were frowned upon by the Brotherhood of the Seneschal, especially if the women used words or

songs to aid the herbs in their healing powers, and Axis himself had been involved in several

cases where he had to bring these women to the Tower of the Seneschal for trial and justice. Axis

shuddered at the memory of what happened to those women who had been found guilty; death by

the purification of fire had always been the sentence imposed by the Seneschal. Never would he

forget the screams of the simple country women as the flames engulfed them; at least it had not

been his role to light the fire.

And now he, the BattleAxe, was experiencing disturbing, long-buried memories out of

that deep, dark place that the reading of the Prophecy had unlocked. Not only memories, but

talents. The ward against evil that he had sung to the apparition of Gorgrael had been the most

powerful thus far, but the strange alien melody he had played for his men this evening had been

another example.

Where had his talent for the harp and the music come from in the first place? Axis could

never remember actually learning the harp. He had simply always played. Even as a small child

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Categories: Sara Douglass