Sara Douglass – Battleaxe

buttocks if they sat too long in one place. ―Remember what I said to you that night, Faraday,

before you ran away? The trees show what will be, but they do not always show it all, or they

show it in such incoherent images that it is impossible to sort them out. Beware you do not

misinterpret what the trees showed you. Dear one, perhaps the images do not describe Axis‘

death. But if Borneheld does indeed kill Axis, then Tencendor is doomed. My sweet child, Axis

is the only one who can meet Gorgrael. He must not be murdered before he can accomplish what

he was born for.‖

―No,‖ whispered Faraday, folding her arms tightly across her breasts, her body rocking

backwards and forwards slightly. Not murdered.

Veremund looked about at the others and they nodded to him. He turned back to Faraday.

―Child, we believe that you also have a part to play in the Prophecy; in fact, we believe you have

two very important tasks to perform, without which Axis will not succeed. Your first task is to

stop Borneheld from killing Axis before he reaches his full potential. We know what you and

Axis feel for each other, but if you follow your hearts now it will only result in Axis‘ death.‖

―Why?‖ Faraday whispered, although in her heart she knew the answer.

―Because if you break your betrothal vows to Borneheld and turn to Axis instead, it will

enrage Borneheld so much that he might tear Achar to pieces in search of Axis. Do not become

the spark that ignites Axis‘ funeral pyre.‖

―But Jack said the trees showed me truth. What will be. What does it matter if—‖

―Faraday,‖ Veremund‘s voice was sharp. ―Axis and Borneheld will battle it out one day.

The vision clearly showed that. But it must be at Axis‘ instigation and on Axis‘ terms. We, you,

cannot afford to push Borneheld into challenging Axis now. If you marry Borneheld you will be in a position to moderate his hatred of Axis. To stay his hand. To allow Axis to grow into the

man he must become.‖

―Faraday, listen to me,‖ Yr said softly. ―You will save Axis and you will save Tencendor

as Borneheld‘s wife, not as Axis‘. The vision showed you as Borneheld‘s wife, not Axis‘.‖

―You told Axis this evening that in the needs of a nation one girl‘s wants are a very small

thing,‖ Veremund said. ―Then you meant Achar. But in Tencendor‘s needs, in the hopes of three

races, your wants are but a tiny thing. Tencendor‘s hopes rest on whose bed you choose.‖

Veremund thought for a moment, then came up with the crucial argument. ―Axis‘ life depends

on your becoming Borneheld‘s wife.‖

The weight of their arguments and the emotional strain was all too much. Faraday

covered her face with her hands and started to sob. All she could think of was how it had felt

when Axis had held her and kissed her.

Veremund cradled her gently, giving her what comfort he could. Faraday was so young,

so innocent, and Veremund felt a twinge of guilt at how they were pushing the girl. Still, it had to

be done. The Prophecy demanded it. The Sentinels were silent for a few minutes as Faraday

wept, then, as the girl‘s sobs began to ease, Yr leaned forward. ―Dear one, you must marry him

as soon as you can.‖

―Oh no!‖ Faraday cried, her tear-streaked face horrified. ―Please, give me time!‖

Veremund‘s arms tightened about her for a moment. ―Dear one, we cannot know it all,

but we can see some things. Axis rides for Smyrton, where he will not be detained for long, then

he rides for Gorkenfort. Sweet one, it is vital that you get there before him, and that when he

arrives you will be Borneheld‘s wife. Gorkenfort will be the making or breaking of Axis. You

must be there to restrain Borneheld. He will be triumphant that you have come to him, and it will

make him feel very powerful. If he feels powerful, if he feels as though he has triumphed over

Axis, he will not feel the need to challenge him. Gorkenfort is a crucial test for Axis, Faraday.‖

In a strange way what the Sentinels told Faraday buttressed what Embeth had told her

about duty. She took a deep breath and nodded reluctantly at the Sentinels. ―I think I understand.

But how can I get to Gorkenfort before Axis?‖

The Sentinels relaxed. They had been uncertain whether or not Faraday would agree, and

they could not force her into any action she was unwilling to undertake. Yr stood up and

stretched, then walked across and butted her head against Faraday‘s knees. Faraday smiled a

little and stroked Yr‘s back, grateful for the affection.

―You will travel with myself and Yr,‖ Jack said. ―Stay with Axis until you reach Arcen.

That is as far as you would have gone with him anyway. Once Axis and the Axe-Wielders leave

for Smyrton, then we will leave for Gorkenfort—secretly! Do not tell your mother about this!‖

he added.

Faraday laughed a little. ―Tell my mother about this?‖ She waved her hand about the top

of the Barrow. ―About you? She would give me an enema to clear my wits!‖

―Faraday, we would have you leave as soon as you can,‖ Jack said. ―Ideally, we would

set out tonight—but when Axis realised you were missing in the morning he would have three

and a half thousand men to search among these Barrows for you, and not even a Sentinel can

hide from so many.‖

―I understand,‖ Faraday said, then hesitated a little. ―Tell me, does Axis know any of


The Sentinels shook their heads. ―No,‖ Ogden replied for them all. ―He must grow a little

before more can be made clear to him. His path will be very different to yours. He must discover his own identity. Trust us on this.‖

―One more thing,‖ Faraday said. ―You said that there were two important tasks for me to

perform. One,‖ she paused, ―is to marry Borneheld. I understand that and I will try to accept it.

But what is the other one?‖

Veremund patted her shoulder. ―Be assured, dear girl, that it will not be quite so

distasteful as the first. But you have heard enough tonight. Jack and Yr can tell you more on your

journey to Gorkenfort. Now,‖ his eyes glowed bright gold, ―will you be true to us and to Axis,

dear one?‖

―Yes,‖ Faraday whispered. ―Yes, I will be true, though I think you do not understand the

sacrifice you ask of me.‖

―The Prophecy demands much from many people, Faraday. And no one will have to

sacrifice more than the Sentinels. No one.‖ His voice hardened. ―Do not speak to us of sacrifice!‖

―I‘m sorry,‖ Faraday whispered.

Veremund‘s eyes dimmed a little in contrition. ―Yes, sweet child. I know you are sorry,

and I know you will be true. And I, all of us, recognise that what we ask of you is indeed a

sacrifice. Now, I‘m sure you must be feeling very tired. Yr? Perhaps you will escort Faraday to

her bed?‖

Ogden, Veremund and Jack sat silently as Yr led Faraday down the side of the Barrow.

After a few moments Jack spoke.

―So, it has begun, my friends. We have alerted the Destroyer to our presence, yet we still

lack one of our number.‖

―Where is she?‖ asked Veremund. ―Where is she? Why isn‘t she here?‖



Axis deliberately avoided Faraday the next morning, for which she was profoundly

grateful. Although she could still remember the warmth of Axis‘ mouth, the strength of his arms,

the events that had followed seemed a dream. When she‘d awoken her mother was already

dressed and gone, and Yr was sitting on her vacant bedroll, smiling at Faraday.

Faraday managed a small smile back, uncertain what to do. ―Good morning, Yr,‖ she

finally managed. The cat jumped across to Faraday‘s side of the tent, walking up Faraday‘s body

until she stood on her chest. There she sat and began to knead uncomfortably. ―Good morning,

sweet one,‖ she whispered in a burr that was all but inaudible. ―May I suggest that now you bear

me more respect you might be a little less tardy about enquiring after my breakfast?‖

Faraday closed her eyes for a moment. It had been no dream. She remembered what she

had agreed to do on top of the Barrow and shuddered. ―Food!‖ hissed Yr.

An hour after daybreak the column of Axe-Wielders wended its way through the Barrows

and out onto the exposed plains of Arcness. Overnight the weather had deteriorated and daybreak

had seen the landscape lighten scarcely beyond a dim twilight. The wind had doubled in strength

and the clouds to the north, which hung so low that in places they dragged along the ground,

bubbled and broiled. Streaks of lightning shot through them at intervals and occasional rumbles

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Categories: Sara Douglass