The Cajun Cowboy by Sandra Hill

Or was it the vibrating bed?

Shagadelic, for sure!

Raoul was lying flat out on the bed with Charmaine beside him. They were both staring up into the ceiling mirror, vibrating their asses off. They were laughing their asses off, as well.

Does she have any idea how tempting she looks? Barefooted and bare-breasted, she wore only the gauzy, flowered skirt. Her breasts were magnificent, large and firm. Like inverted champagne glasses, they were, with their puffy areolas. Her feet were pretty, too, long and narrow, with painted red toenails. Her dark hair lay in curly disarray on the pillow. Her eyes were misty with tears of mirth. Her red lips parted, displaying even, white teeth as she laughed.

He, on the other hand, was fully clothed, including his boots. But he wasn’t taking a chance of leaving the bed, in case Charmaine decided he was a dumb dolt after all, that any juice he had wasn’t worth the squeeze.

I want her so bad, but I have got to tread carefully here. No mistakes. The least little wrong move, and she will bolt like a wild horse. He rolled over on his side and looked down at her. Charmaine stared up at him, wide-eyed. Her lips were still parted, but in a different way now. In anticipation. I hope. “I’m scared,” he told her.

That surprised her, he could tell. “Why?”

“I’m afraid I’ll say the wrong thing. Or do something to make you run.” It’s a curse all men have. Dumb man tongue.

“Bolt? Like I did before? No, I’m not going anywhere this time. Unless you say the B-word.”

“Bimbo” is hereafter wiped from my dictionary. He laughed. “I won’t. You can be sure of that.”

She reached up and began to tug his T-shirt out of his jeans. He helped and tossed it back over his shoulder. He had no idea where it landed and didn’t care. Charmaine was looking at him as if she liked what she saw and for the first time in a long time he was glad of the hard work at the ranch, and on the prison farm, which had honed his body down to almost zero fat and one hundred percent muscle.

Never shy, inside or outside of bed, she put her hands up to his neck and pulled him down. Then she rubbed her breasts back and forth across his chest hairs, the whole time making little kittenish mewls of pleasure.

He could feel the points abrading his skin and saw stars for a moment behind his closed lids. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!” he exclaimed. “You take my breath away, babe.”

She smiled that secretive Madonna smile of hers. “That’s my goal, baby.”

He settled his lips on hers and inhaled deeply, relishing the scent of her. Obsession perfume and Charmaine skin. She moved her mouth beneath his and darted out her tongue to lick his lips.

His cock about jumped out from behind the zipper of his Wranglers. He was pretty sure it was singing, “Hallelujah!”

“Mmmmmmm,” she said.

“Mmmmmmm,” he said back.

He was going to have to slow down somehow. But he couldn’t stop the runaway train that was his libido. Not now. Not ever, where Charmaine was concerned.

“Kiss me some more,” she urged.

Like I need any urging! “My pleasure,” he murmured and rubbed his lips across hers till he got the perfect fit. He opened her wider and plunged his tongue inside. Sweet. So… very… sweet.’ He withdrew, then plunged again. This time, she sucked on him, locking him in place.

He heard a low humming sound of pleasure in her throat. Or is it my throat? Or is it this frickin’ vibrating bed?

Meanwhile, her hands were busy, caressing his shoulders, sweeping over his back, cupping his buttocks. Somehow, he had come to be resting between her spread thighs, and the best part of him was planted against the best part of her. Well, not necessarily the best part of him, but the part that was growing to monumental proportions and throbbing to beat the band. He hoped she was throbbing, too. He suspected she was by the way her lower body kept jerking against him.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra