The Cajun Cowboy by Sandra Hill

Jimmy had just walked away and they were almost back to Charmaine when Raoul heard an odd noise.

“Duck!” Dirk screamed.

Raoul made a flying leap for Charmaine, thus taking the bullet in his left shoulder. For several moments, he just lay there, crashing her to the ground, while shouts and running feet surrounded them as others rushed to find out who had fired the shot. Tears filled his eyes, not because of the pain, but because he could have lost Charmaine in that moment of carelessness.

There was no doubt in his mind that the bullet had been intended for Charmaine, possibly because the FBI had gotten involved, though she didn’t even have a clue about that. The barn had been a warning to him, but the bullet had been more than a warning for Charmaine. Someone had tried to kill her.

It wouldn’t happen again.

“Get off me. I can’t breathe,” she said, shoving at his chest. “Has everyone lost their minds?” When she saw the blood seeping through his shirt—the bullet must have come clean through his shoulder, back to front—she changed her tune. “You’ve been shot,” she wailed. “I’ve got to hurry and call an ambulance.”

He had to grab her with the hand on his good side. “I don’t need an ambulance, but we need to get you inside, away from the sniper.” With that, they both ran for the house.

The Triple L was no longer a safe haven for Charmaine, Raoul soon realized. He would have to get her out of there immediately.

But how did anyone get Charmaine to do something, unless she wanted to? Now that they’d rediscovered their love for each other, he knew without a doubt that his wife would dig in her heels if she thought he was in the least danger.

Even as they hugged once they entered the living room, to reassure themselves of each other’s safety… even as Tante Lulu morphed into healer mode and bandaged his bullet wound, with the help of some folk antibiotic, which he prayed God wasn’t made with cow shit… even as Charmaine fussed over him like a mother hen, Raoul was making plans.

Charmaine would be leaving the Triple L within the hour, and possibly leaving his life forever. It was the only way.

Heartaches by the dozen…

“I won’t go,” Charmaine said forcefully. She couldn’t believe that Raoul actually thought she would, after their night of lovemaking… just because there was trouble at the Triple L.

“Yes, you will,” Raoul said, just as forcefully. “Dirk and Fleur have already loaded up the bus. Tante Lulu is packing for herself and you since you won’t help her. The fire chief and the sheriff are outside waiting to talk with me. It’s eight o’clock, way past time I got out to pasture and helped Clarence and Linc with the cattle. Thank the stars that Jimmy’s uncle came to take him away from this mess for the time being. Now, do as you’re told… just this once.”

“Why should I?”

“Because I asked?”

“Not good enough. Come on, Raoul, I’m made of tough stuff.”

His face went steely and unbending. His hair was tousled. Soot marked parts of his face and arms and most of his clothing. He looked like he’d been through the wringer, which he pretty much had been. No way would she abandon him now.

“Charmaine, I have enough on my plate now without worrying about you. I want you to leave.”

“I can help.”

Off to the side, she saw Tante Lulu come out of one of the bedrooms, lugging a big suitcase. Her worried eyes connected with Raoul’s, and they nodded at each other in the oddest way. As she passed by them on the way out, the old lady patted Raoul on the shoulder and murmured something that sounded like, “Do what ya has to, boy.”

“Charmaine, honey, I don’t want to hurt you.”

That got her attention, his words and the doleful expression on his face. She sensed what was coming. Don’t say it, Raoul. Just don’t.

“It’s over.” He reached out for her, but she slapped his arms away. He didn’t try again.

How many times do I have to get burned before I finally avoid the fire? When will I ever learn? “How can it be over? It just began… last night.” She hated the fact that her voice cracked on those last words.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra