The Cajun Cowboy by Sandra Hill

I have something else that’s rock solid. Wanna see? “My ass? My ass is my best asset?” Women! Go figure!

“Yep. Then when you stopped that first day and turned around to talk to someone, my heart about stopped. You were so freakin’ handsome I about wet my pants.”

“You sweet talker you!” He was laughing on the outside, but inside his male ego grew about a mile. “Why didn’t you come up to me that day?”

“Are you kidding? You were a big man on campus, and I was a lowly freshman.”

I don’t know how big I was then, but I sure as hell am big now. Big as in hard. As in hard-on. “Charmaine, you were never a lowly anything a day in your life. You ooze self-confidence.”

“On the outside.”

“You were already a former Miss Louisiana by then. Don’t pretend that you were unsure of yourself.”

She shrugged. “Around you, I was.”

He let that interesting admission go for the moment. “I remember the first time I noticed you. It was spring of my junior year, and you were working on some kind of charity car wash. About half the guys from the football team had their cars lined up because of you. When I got there, I couldn’t believe my eyes. You were wearing denim cutoffs—Daisy Maes, I think they were called—and a red tube top. Half your body was covered with soap suds, and you were laughing. I probably fell in love with you on the spot.”

“Hah!” she said, but he could tell she was pleased. “And when did you fall out of love?”

He didn’t answer. He couldn’t. What he did say was, “Touch me.”


“Oh, baby. Everywhere.”

And she did. God bless her, she did. He spread his thighs, and she knelt between them. When she leaned forward, her breasts swayed. He’d forgotten how much he loved to see her breasts sway.

His hands were still raised above his head, but his fists were clenched. She used her fingertips and her hands to caress his shoulders, and upper arms, and paps, even his underarms. All the time she made little appreciative sounds.

She licked his nipples, and he dug his short fingernails into his palms. “Please… don’t… stop.”

With a saucy chuckle, she tugged at his nipples with her teeth, which caused his fingernails to dig deeper. Then she used the tip of her tongue to make a trail from the middle of his chest down to his navel. “You should get pierced.”

“Where?” If she even hints that I should get a ring in my cock, I am out of here.

“Here,” she said and stabbed his navel with her tongue.

Hot damn! Who knew I had an erotic zone there. Hell, it feels like I have ten thousand carnal hairs in there, and she’s got every one of them on red alert.

She was on all fours over his body with her mouth just above his belly. Glancing up at his face, she asked, “Did you like that?”

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! “It was okay.”

“Well, then, maybe you would like this better,” she said. Sitting back on her haunches, she tugged quickly on the waistband of his shorts and drew them down to his thighs, then all the way off, all this before he could say, “Hells bells and hallelujah!”

He jackknifed to a sitting position. “Enough! I want to participate in this game.”

She shoved him back down. “No. My game. My rules. Relax.”

It was hard for him to put two syllables together with his cock standing up like a tupelo tree and every nerve ending in his body standing to attention, but he did. “Relax? Are you freakin’ serious?”

“Don’t question a gift horse, sweet cakes.”

“This is some kind of rodeo where the cowboy is gifted with a horse,” he teased, folding his arms behind his head.

“And that’s not even the main attraction.”

“And that would be?”

She smiled mischievously at him. Then she raised her arms over her head in a long, posed stretch, after which she flexed her fingers in front of him in an exaggerated fashion, like a pianist about to give a magical, musical performance. Then and only then did she take his most prized body part in hand and for damn sure performed her own brand of magic. She stroked him, she churned him, she licked him up one side and down the other. When she finally took him in her mouth, he died a little bit and went to heaven.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra