The Cajun Cowboy by Sandra Hill

Rusty must have sensed what was happening with her because even as he began to give equal suckling attention to the other breast, he lowered his arms and spread her thighs wider, tugging her knees up and her heels back to meet her buttocks. All of her female parts were exposed then, albeit under cover of her panties, as she undulated wildly against his belly. Her climax came quick and ended quickly, but it satisfied her deeply, turning every bone and sinew in her body to mush. Her eyes fluttered shut, seeking sleep.

“That was Number One, babe. Are you ready for Number Two?” Rusty’s voice was thick and raw as he asked his question.

Her eyes shot open.

He knelt between her legs now. Her feet were on the mattress, her knees still spread wide. He used a forefinger to flutter the little ring in her belly button, but that was not where he was looking. Nope, it was her panties that held his attention, or one particular, very wet portion of her panties.

Holding her eyes, he ran the back of his fingertips from her navel to her belly, over her crotch, all the way down.

She whimpered.

He licked his lips.

“Where’s your tattoo, Charmaine?”

“Huh?” The line he’d just drawn on her lower half was sizzling and yearning for a repeat, and he got a sudden interest in tattoos. “Oh, that tattoo. You can’t see it.”

“Why? Where is it?”

She used a forefinger to tap a spot at the very lowest part of her belly, about an inch away from the crease with her thigh.

His eyes went wide.

“But you can’t see it now, even if I took off my panties.”


“I would need to have a Brazilian bikini wax for you to see it.”

“What the hell’s a Brazil wax?”

She used a forefinger again to draw him a picture… on her underpants.

His eyes went even wider.

“Let’s go do it.”

“Do what?”

“Give you a Brazil wax.”

She laughed. “Get a life, buddy. I wouldn’t let you near me there with hot wax… or a razor. Not with those shaky hands.”

He glanced quickly to his hands, which weren’t shaky at all. But they probably would be if she were dumb enough to give in. Which she wasn’t.

“Maybe another time,” he said way too easily. “I’m really hungry now.”

Disappointment riddled through her, which was silly. He’d just given her a great orgasm. Since when did she get so greedy? “I think there’s leftover beans and rice in the fridge.”

“Not for food, silly.” He tapped her playfully a little north and left of her tattoo, which caused her to about have another orgasm.

“These aren’t edible underpants,” she cautioned in an embarrassing squeak.

“We’ll see about that.” If she wasn’t turned on enough by that remark, he added another equally titillating one, “I think my tongue has a hard-on.”

And Charmaine, not to be outdone in the outrageous department, said, “I think I know the very thing to do with a tongue hard-on.”

A short time later, Rusty was chirping, “Number Two!” and Charmaine was gasping for breath. “Very good, Rusty! But, now, I think I’ve had enough for one night.”

He winked down at her. “Oh, chère, I’ve only just begun.

And Charmaine, after hearing Rusty announce gleefully two hours later, “Number Four!”, was beginning to think that the Cajuns took that old phrase of theirs way too literally, “Laissez les bons temps rouler.” She had had the good times literally rolled out of her. Cajun style, guar-an-teed!

But she was still a born-again virgin. Talk about!

I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news…

Raoul was the first one to arrive at the breakfast table the next morning. Life had dealt him some bad breaks yesterday, but the night had ended well. Correction. The night had ended with a blast, and he was feeling gooood.

He smelled the coffee before he entered the kitchen and saw a midget with red corkscrews all over its head stirring a pot on the stove. On her body the midget-aka-Tante Lulu was wearing a black cat suit. And what a sight that was with her nonexistent butt and boobs!

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Categories: Hill, Sandra