The Cajun Cowboy by Sandra Hill

“Are you back to hurl more insults at me?”


“What are you doing here… again? I thought you went to sleep.”

“Yeah, right. That’s what I’m in the mood for. Sleep. What are you doing up?”

“Looking for a nightie to put on.”

“Why would you be putting a nightie on?”

“To sleep.”

“Yeah, right,” he said again.

He reached down and swiped a wet cloth against her stomach. She flinched at the cold and with shock at his action. Then, before she could say, “Buzz off, bozo!” he put his hands on her waist, lifted her high off the floor, turned, and tossed her onto the bed. He followed immediately after, covering her with his naked body, then immediately adjusted himself, side to side and up and down so that his chest hairs abraded her nipples and his erection rested between her legs.

“Tante Lulu saw me naked,” he told her out of the blue.

“Just now?”



“She said I have a great wee-wee.”

“How great was it at the time?”

“Not so great. In fact, it was more of a limp dick.”

“Poor dickie!”

“He’s not so poor now,” he said, bucking himself against her a few times for emphasis.

“Rusty, why are you doing this?”

“What kind of wuss do you think I am? Where, in what far reaches of that scattered brain of yours, could you imagine that I would let you do me, then shove me out the door?”

“It wasn’t like that.”

“I don’t give a flying fig how it was. All I know is the game is only half-over. Are you ready for the second half?”

“I’m still a born-again virgin. That matters to me.”

“Okay. Agreed. I think this born-again virgin stuff is a load of crap, but I promise you’ll be ‘intact’ when you get up tomorrow morning. In fact, you can keep your panties on. We’re going to make love, though. That’s a promise, too.”

“I like being in bed with you,” she said by way of concession. And that was the truth. She’d loved waking up earlier and finding him in her bed, sleeping. She loved the smell of his skin. She loved the weight of him now, pressing her to the bed. Charmaine liked men, in general, but this was different. This was Raoul… rather, Rusty.

“I feel like I’ve been wanting you forever.” He nuzzled her neck as he spoke.

She tingled all over, whether from his sweet words or his nuzzling, she couldn’t say. Probably both.

“Did you dunk yourself in peach water again?” He was sniffing her neck and her shoulders and hair.

“Peach bubble bath.”

“I love peaches.” He licked her neck to show just how much.

“I know.” And she felt his lick all the way to her toes.

Arching himself up on braced arms so that he could look at her directly, he said, “Honey, I want to make this last so long and go so slow that you will be begging me to take you.”

“But you won’t.”

“I won’t.”

“Go to it then, cowboy.”

He smiled down at her then—such a relaxed, take-no-prisoners smile that she couldn’t help but think that this was the Rusty she had known before—not the frowning, always disapproving Rusty of the past week.

He shimmied himself a bit down her body so that his face was directly over her breasts. “Do you have any idea how much I wanted to touch these before? What torture it was not to?”

No words were necessary from her because he had already cupped her breasts from underneath, raising them higher so that the nipples just peeked over the top—nipples he proceeded to strum with his thumbs.

“Aaaahhhh!” she squealed and reflexively arched her-self upward, as if trying to avoid the delicious contact. “Torture goes both ways,” she gasped out.

“Is that torture?” he asked as he continued to play with her.

“Sweet torture,” she admitted.

He smiled with pure male satisfaction. He kneaded her breasts with his whole hands. He rubbed the nipples with his closed fingers. He pulled and tugged and finallyfinallyfinally he put his mouth to one of them, sucking rhythmically.

Charmaine, to her mortification, began to come in a matching rhythm of erotic waves, starting in her womb and rippling outward. Some men bemoaned their hair-trigger ejaculations. Charmaine bemoaned her hair-trigger orgasms… at least where Rusty was concerned.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra