The Cajun Cowboy by Sandra Hill

He opened his eyes slowly to the most amazing sight. Charmaine drizzling oil from a small bottle, which she’d obviously purchased from the X-rated toy case, onto his Longfellow. Then blowing on it.

He raised himself on his elbows and asked in a choked voice, “What are you doing?”

“It’s hot oil. Well, it’s not hot oil when you put it on, but it gets hot when you blow on it. Are you hot yet?”

He smiled. “Oh, yeah.” Talk about a blow job!

After that, he used the remainder of the oil to heat her up. She especially liked it when he spread her wide and dripped the oil onto that little bud between her legs, which was getting bigger. Especially when he gave her a little tongue action to accompany the blowing.

Of course, they had to wash off all the oil in the super-size shower stall in the bathroom. He showed Charmaine how to have sex standing up with her arms braced on the tiles above her head and him coming in from behind. Both of their knees collapsed on them, and they landed on the floor, laughing. He figured, While we’re down here, what the hell! So, they ended up having doggie sex on the floor of the stall with water pelting them all around. Charmaine didn’t seem to mind. What a gal!

They both slept for a while then. But he awakened about two hours later, surprised to see by the bedside clock that it was only 2:00 a.m. What’s a guy to do at 2:00 a.m. in a porno motel when his woman is fast asleep? Check out the toys, of course.

Raoul couldn’t decide between the vibrating lips, the velvet handcuffs, or the condoms with little prickles all over them. He settled on the shrink-wrapped gift box of feathers. The directions said: “Use your imagination.”


Imagine that!…

Charmaine was awakened by the sound of chuckling. Male chuckling.

Lying on her back, flat as fritter, she cracked open one eyelid to see Raoul kneeling on the bed beside her examining a plastic case. And chuckling.

“What’s up, cowboy?” she inquired.

He glanced down at his penis and said, “Nothing. Yet.”


“Is that uh-oh good, or uh-oh I’ve had enough of this cowboy?”

“Never enough.”

He smiled. And what a smile. It was one of those crinkle-the-eyes, dimple-the-edge-of-lips smiles. One of his specialties, though he probably didn’t know that.

“What’s that?” she asked, looking pointedly at the plastic case he was now opening.

“Feathers,” he said. “The only directions say, ‘Be creative.’ What do you think?”

“I think you should be creative.” She half sat up in bed with her head propped on two pillows. And waited.

First, he took out a hard-bristled feather, like that of a chicken or duck. Brushing it lightly around her lips, he raised his eyebrows in question.

“Nice,” she said. Most people didn’t realize how sensitive lips were to mere touch. Charmaine knew because every time she outlined her lips with her trusty lip brush she got a little mini-thrill. Hey, when you’re a born-again virgin, you get your thrills any way you can. “Let me,” she said, then used the same brush to outline his lips.

“Very nice,” he agreed. His penis liked it, too, although she hadn’t ventured anywhere near its territory.

Next he took out a feather with long hairs, like a hundred silky threads. He brushed her body from shoulders to toes, over and over again, giving special attention to her breasts and groin.

She reciprocated, but since he was still kneeling, went only from shoulders to knees, over and over, with special floaty strokes over his Longfellow, which was becoming quite a long fellow again.

Raoul was breathing heavily in the quiet room when he took out a small three-pronged feather thingee, which was apparently battery-operated. When he vibrated it across one nipple, then the other, she about shot up off the bed. “Holy moley,” best summed it up for her.

When she used the same thingee on the tip of his erection, he stuttered out, “Holy… holy…” grabbed the apparatus, and tossed it over his shoulder. The case with the remaining feathers fell to the floor, obviously destined for another day, as Raoul fell on her, spread her thighs and entered her in one fell swoop.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra