THE FOREST LORD By Susan Krinard

The clergyman had told her of a very strange man, a near savage from the former colonies of America, who had come to him asking about “demons” and “wendigos.” He had insisted upon the existence of such supernatural creatures and said that he had forged paths across the trackless wastes of forest and plain in pursuit of them. He had not been shy of boasting about his God-given calling to destroy them wherever they nested. He had come to England because he had heard that these “wendigos” still survived in the island’s hidden corners.

When the clergyman mentioned that the American was skilled with a bow such as the red Indians used, Claudia knew that she had found the man she sought.

Obtaining an introduction to him had been easy. Convincing him to help her, for a very generous fee—and by emphasizing the evil nature of the beast he must hunt—hadn’t been much more difficult. The creature she described was much like the demons he pursued in his own land. In the end he had agreed, eager for the challenge and the chance to save a maiden in distress.

So he had come to Hartsmere in secret. And she had given him his instructions and all the warnings she could think of. The arrows he would use were swift, silent, and armed with deadly tips of iron. All he need do was find Hartley Shaw, slay him, and return to collect the second half of his reward.

But he had not come. Claudia had kept Eden with her as long as possible tonight, well aware of her niece’s intended meeting with her lover. She would not risk Eden’s life. But there had been no way to keep her in the house save telling her the truth, and that was out of the question.

When Eden had returned only an hour later, disheveled and distraught, Claudia guessed what had happened even before her niece spoke of the unseen intruder.

The ill-bred fool. Oh, yes, he had found Hartley Shaw. But his shot had missed, nearly hitting Eden in the process.

Eden told her that Hartley was searching for the intruder, and that was Claudia’s one remaining hope.

She strode back to the double doors and twitched at the curtains. The wretched Colonial had no doubt failed in his task and chosen the better part of valor rather than continue. Either that… or the creature had turned the tables on him. He could be dead.

God forbid.

Out in the garden, beyond the wall, something moved. Claudia let the curtain fall and opened the doors. A man walked into the light cast from the windows.

Not the American, but Hartley Shaw. The taste of bitter defeat filled Claudia’s mouth. He was not even wounded, though he looked as though he had been running.

The hunted after the hunter.

He strode toward the doors and saw her. Instinctively, she smoothed her expression and replaced it with one of worry and concern.

Think, Claudia.

Her first plan had failed. There would be other ways, other opportunities, but in the meantime she must take advantage of any small opening given her. Perhaps… just perhaps she could buy more time and separate Eden and Shaw for a little while longer.

“Shaw,” she said, stepping into the garden. “Lady Eden told me of the intruder. Did you find him?”

He stopped in his tracks, suspicious of her sudden willingness to address him after weeks of shunning and contempt. She saw his frown and his hesitation. But Eden’s name had some power over him; he moved closer and shook his head.

“I did not find him. He has fled.” He looked past her, into the drawing room. “Eden—”

“Is resting. She has had a most unpleasant experience, but thank God she was not injured.” Claudia forced herself to carry out the deception. “And you?”

His eyes narrowed. “I am unhurt.”

“I am grateful that you saved my niece’s life.”

He did not respond immediately. She could see his alien mind pondering her change of attitude and considering what to make of it.

“The arrow flew before either of us were aware of a trespasser,” he said. “I brought Eden back immediately. She is in no further danger.”

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Categories: Krinard, Susan