THE FOREST LORD By Susan Krinard

Fortunately for her, Lady Eden forgave. Lord Bradwell had remained at Hartsmere to celebrate a joyous Christmas, and then had set about restoring something of the life he had abandoned. He and Cornelius—still Hartley to those who loved him—were well on their way to making a lasting peace. Even Nancy, who had been forced by Lady Claudia into drugging Eden, was excused her lapse. Eden wasn’t of a mind to hold a grudge against anyone.

Eden had blossomed in more ways than one, for she was with child again. She continued to share her generous heart with the people of the dale, and everything she touched prospered. Laughter filled Hartsmere. The winter was the mildest the dalesmen could remember, and the snow fell gently upon giggling children and sober farmers alike.

Three times what thou givest returns to thee.

Mrs. Byrne put her hand at the small of her back and arched to stretch her muscles. It would be good to leave behind this elderly shape and resume her own. A little spell away from duty. She glanced in the cracked mirror on her dressing table and smiled at the face framed by its masses of red, curling locks.

“By Dana,” she said, “it’s glad I’ll be to rest, indeed.”

“Who do you speak to, Mrs. Byrne?”

She smiled and opened her arms to Donal. He skipped into the room and hugged her about the waist.

“Mother and Da told me you have to go away. Why?”

“It’s sorry I am to be leaving you, to be sure, but I have a special job to do, and I must go elsewhere to do it.”

He stepped back and frowned up at her. “What job?”

“In some ways, it’s not unlike what your Mother and Da have done for the dale—help people when they have great troubles and sorrows.”

“I heard Da tell Mother that he may not be able to help the dale anymore. Why?”

“You know your father is special, just like you. Some of the gifts that make him special… well, he traded them to be with you and your mother.”

“Like talking to animals, and making the snow fall?”

Naturally the child would think of what gave him the most pleasure. He was a boy, after all, no matter how gifted. “Just like that. Only I’m thinking that your Da won’t lose as much as he believes.”

Donal beamed. “Will I grow up to be like him?”

“I hope so, lad. And like your mother as well. The best of both worlds.”

Quiet footsteps crossed the threshold. “I trust my son has not disturbed you, Mrs. Byrne,” Eden said with a smile.

“Disturbed! Wisht.” She kissed the top of Donal’s head. “He’s always been a pleasure, my lady.”

“Your father is at the stables, Donal,” Eden said. “Why don’t you go and see your new pony?”

Donal was gone before either woman could draw breath. Eden laughed.

“He will miss you, Mrs. Byrne.” She glanced at her feet. “So shall I.”

“But not too much, I think. You’ll be busy enough, my lady.” She winked, and Eden blushed. “Two bairns with their father’s gifts—”

“But Hartley told me that this child would be—”

“Ordinary?” Mrs. Byrne chuckled. “I have my doubts. They—”

“They?” Lady Eden gulped.

“Oh, my runaway tongue. Don’t you fret, my lady. They’ll be no match for you.”

“Mrs. Byrne…” Eden hesitated, and then forged ahead. “You have not always been a housekeeper, have you?”

Nuala sighed. She was not to escape with her disguise intact. “Nay, my lady. Not always.”

“Are you like my husband?”

Nuala laughed. “One of the Sidhe? Oh, no, my child. But I have known a few in my time.”

Eden shook her head. “Hartley told me of the talisman you gave to his servant, Tod, which enabled him to fly to London without suffering harm. You also convinced the American to let my son go. I suspect that there are many more things you did to help us, entirely without our knowledge. I have guessed for a while now that you are not an ordinary woman.”

“No more than you, your ladyship.”

Eden smiled. “Oh, no. I have found that I really am quite ordinary—and satisfied with very ordinary things.”

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Categories: Krinard, Susan