THE FOREST LORD By Susan Krinard

I shall see you discharged as well, if you do not learn your place, Claudia silently promised Byrne. “Mrs. Byrne, would you be so good as to go to the nursery? Donal is in need of a nap, and I do not wish him to disturb Lady Eden and her guest. Please keep him quiet upstairs for the next few hours.”

Mrs. Byrne glanced at Cook. “Do you not wish me to finish preparing for Lord Rushborough’s arrival? Lady Eden said—”

“No. I shall instruct the maids and Armstrong in what remains to be done. Please send them to the sitting room at once, and go directly to the nursery. Donal is waiting.”

“As you wish, your ladyship.” Mrs. Byrne gave a semblance of meekness, but it was not in her eyes or bearing. “Please excuse me.” She stepped out of the storeroom.

Mrs. Beaton avoided Claudia’s eyes and went back to work. There was one, at least, who presented no problem. Claudia gladly left the servants’ domain and returned to her own. Now she must wait until the last possible minute and regretfully inform Eden that she had not been able to find Donal.

If all went according to Claudia’s slowly forming plans, the marquess need never meet the monster’s inhuman son.

Chapter 12

Eden barely made it down to the drawing room before Lord Rushborough’s curricle pulled into the drive.

She smoothed her gown, pressing it to her figure as she gazed out the window. She had lost weight these past few weeks, and no wonder. Francis had known her in days of ease and plenty. What would he think of her now, with a trace of dreaded brown in her face and arms, and hair that wouldn’t seem to stay in place? Their last meeting had not been auspicious, and she’d fled from him. She had apologies to make for her behavior at the party.

Did she want him to think well of her? Or did she want him to go away and leave her to…

Hartley rose in her mind as if he stood before her, grave and questioning. Will it be him or me? Choose, Eden. Choose.

She had not chosen. She had avoided Hartley as much as possible while her thoughts ran in circles. Every circle returned to the same beginning: Hartley Shaw.

What she’d said about Donal was not merely an excuse to postpone turning her life upside down yet again. Today’s revelation to the marquess would help her make the decision that would alter her and Donal’s life forever. It was a great risk, and one she had but recently resolved to take. But she had discovered that even she had honor that could not be compromised. She could not live a lie with the man she married.

The marquess descended from the curricle, attended by his groom. Eden buried her fingers in her skirts.

“Eden! You will crush your gown.” Claudia came to her side and followed her gaze. “Do not worry, my dear; you are lovely, as always.”

“Am I?” Eden murmured. “Where is Donal?”

Her aunt hesitated. “I could not find him. But I have asked Mrs. Byrne to send servants to search for him.”

“It is my fault. I have neglected him too often these past few days.”

Claudia patted her arm. “Set such worries aside, Niece, and compose yourself. The marquess is come.”

Claudia took her seat and her needlework. Eden did the same, though she dropped the pretense of pleased surprise when the marquess entered the drawing room. Had this not been planned days in advance? Did they both not know why he was here?

She rose and curtsied. Francis bowed over her hand. The three of them engaged in idle, meaningless conversation for the appropriate amount of time, and all the while Eden listened for Donal’s return. He would hardly make a good impression if he appeared the untutored farmer’s son, but there was no helping that. Eden had made her decision.

After an interminable period, Claudia made some excuse to leave the room. Eden scarcely heard what she said. The marquess had been staring at her for an hour, and she probed and probed at her feelings as if they were a sore tooth.

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Categories: Krinard, Susan