THE FOREST LORD By Susan Krinard

Chapter 10

“No,” Eden whispered. Hartley heard her. He looked from her to the other women’s expressions of horror, and lowered his hand. The marquess pushed him away.

“This ruffian has insulted our guests,” Lady Claudia said. “He must leave immediately.” She signaled to Armstrong. “There is no need to soil your hands, Lord Rushborough. If he is not gone by morning, we shall send for the constable.”

A swarm of midges suddenly gathered about the group and lighted in hungry clusters on Lord Rushborough’s face. He made a heroic effort not to hop and slap. Miss Waterson gave a cry of disgust.

“Will you not go inside, my lord?” Lady Claudia said, eyeing the midges. “We will join you presently.”

The marquess was torn between his own comfort and the demands of chivalry. The former won out. He bowed to the ladies again, threw a biting stare at Hartley, and strode for the house. The insects followed him in a cloud.

Miss Waterson waited until he was out of earshot and then spoke in a rush. “Lady Eden, I affirm what Lady Claudia says of this man Shaw. He is a danger to Master Donal. I learned today that he steals Master Donal from the nursery every night and takes him—I cannot say where—but the boy returns filthy. These clandestine outings are a gross breach of discipline and propriety. Shaw is insolent beyond words and encourages the boy to even greater rebellion—”

“Rebellion?” Eden repeated. She remembered Hartley’s question: “Have you made any attempt to learn if Miss Waterson is helping Donal, not harming him?” She looked at Miss Waterson with new attention. “What do you mean?”

“Why, he—he does not obey. He refuses to sit quietly at his lessons. He will not eat and defies me at every turn, with those strange ungodly eyes of his—” She broke off.

“I see,” Eden said in an ominously still voice. “You think Donal ungodly, Miss Waterson?”

“No… no, of course I do not, my lady. But punishment does not deter him, and it is no wonder when—-”

Eden was uncannily calm, the eye of the storm. “You punish him often, Miss Waterson?”

“It is the only way to invoke discipline, of which he is sorely in need. I was given a charge to perform.” She jerked up her chin. “I take great pride in my profession, and if you do not wish my services—”

“Miss Waterson—” Claudia began.

Eden felt very close to the end of her tether. Could this be the same respectful, decorously retiring governess Eden had met in the drawing room? Was this the unembellished character of the woman she had allowed to take charge of her son?

“I confess that I have never heard a governess speak quite as you do, Miss Waterson,” Eden said. “I would think that you set a very poor example for Donal.”

I? I am sorry to say this, my lady, but if that man”—she pointed at Hartley—”does not leave tonight, I shall be forced to tender my notice.”

Eden looked from the governess to Hartley. “Is it true?” she asked. “Have you been taking Donal from the nursery at night?”

He nodded once, as if it were beneath his dignity to explain.

“You see!” said Miss Waterson. “This cannot be allowed to continue.”

In that the governess was correct.

“You have said you will not remain at Hartsmere unless I discharge Mr. Shaw,” Eden said bluntly. “Very well, Miss Waterson. We shall be sorry to see you leave us.”

“Niece—” Claudia began. Miss Waterson stared at her, disbelieving… until the midges appeared to wreathe her face in a buzzing mist.

With a muffled squawk, the governess ran back to the house.

“How very strange,” Eden said, “that insects have such a particular fondness for Lord Rushborough and Miss Waterson.” She caught Hartley’s smile out of the corner of her eye.

“Shaw,” she said coolly, “your conduct—”

Donal ran out of the shadows and grabbed her hand. “Did you see me in the tree? I climbed almost all the way to the top!”

“I saw you, Donal.” She steered him toward Claudia. “Aunt, will you please return Donal to the nursery? I have deserted my guests too long.”

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Categories: Krinard, Susan