THE FOREST LORD By Susan Krinard

“You drugged me. You lied. You took my son from me and brought him back to Hartsmere. I do not know what you intend, but it ends now. Take me to Donal at once.”

Claudia’s features relaxed. “You are so ignorant, Eden—ignorant and innocent. I had hoped to spare you what I have suffered. But since it is no longer possible—” She gestured toward the door. “Come inside before you take a chill.”

Incredulous at her aunt’s calm, Eden remained where she was. “All I want is Donal. I will take him away, and you need never see either one of us again.”

“As simple as that? You have no desire, no curiosity to know why I lied to you, as you say, and drugged you, and sent you from Hartsmere without your son?”

The cold penetrating Eden’s gown was as nothing to the chill brought by Claudia’s words. “Aunt, you are ill. I can see that you have not slept. If you will only take me to Donal, we can talk about anything you wish.”

“I am mad. Is that not what you mean?” She smiled sadly. “But I am not. I have been waiting for this a very long time.” She gestured again toward the door. “You need have no fear of Hartsmere now, my dear. The monster is dead. I killed him. And if you wish to see your son again, you will hear what I must tell you.”

Eden said a quick, silent prayer. She recognized that she would have to use deception to get Donal back, for there was no reasoning with Claudia. The only way she might gain the advantage was through understanding her aunt’s motives, and making contact with Mrs. Byrne and others in the house. She would be cooperative for as long as necessary. And while she kept Claudia occupied, Hartley was free to act.

“Hartley is dead?” she whispered, feigning horror.

“You will come to understand why it was necessary,” Claudia said, almost gently. “Come.” She held out her hand.

Eden could not bring herself to take it. She stared at the open door, letting the whole gamut of her emotions reflect on her face. “I will hear what you have to say,” she said. “And then you will let me see my son.”

Claudia did not answer. She led the way into the formal drawing room.

“Where are all the servants?” Eden asked.

“They are otherwise engaged.” Claudia sat and poured a cup of tea. She offered it to Eden, shrugging at her niece’s refusal.

“There is so much to tell you,” she said, gazing at Eden without a trace of shame or unease. “Let us speak of the past—both near and far away. Let us converse about love, and how it can destroy all our hopes.”

“Love cannot destroy,” Eden said. “Not a love that is real.”

“Do you speak from experience?” Claudia sipped at her tea, but the cup rattled the saucer when she set it down. “You did not love Spencer. Or will you tell me now that you loved the monster?” She sighed. “I see that he succeeded in bewitching you after all. I am sorry for your pain, my dear niece.”

The urge to shout a denial was overwhelming. Find our son, she wished Hartley. “You still have not told me why,” she said. “I was right before, was I not, when I guessed that you had personal reasons for your actions? You hated Hartley enough to kill him, and it was not out of concern for me.”

“It was, and is. But you have no conception of my reasons.” She reached for the cup again and paused. Her hand trembled. “I shall explain, and perhaps it will make it easier for you to comply with my wishes. I would hope that you would do so willingly.”

“Do what?”

Claudia felt as if she were drifting back to that terrible time, so many years ago, when the dreams of her young life had died with her husband. He must be dead, by now… foxes lived less than a decade, if that. For Lord Michael Raines, death would have been a blessing.

“Once upon a time,” she said, “a man came to terrible grief when he trespassed upon the realm of the monster who fathered your son—before your father’s mistake, before your own birth. But no one ever knew the truth of what became of my husband—until now.”

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Categories: Krinard, Susan