THE FOREST LORD By Susan Krinard

Allowed, as if she were a beggarwoman. But the governess was still here, and Donal did not seem to be suffering. In spite of Eden’s reluctance and Hartley’s grim predictions, the woman was not breaking Donal’s spirit. Eden thought it might be the reverse.

At Claudia’s suggestion, Donal would not attend the party except for an hour or so in the evening. Claudia had made an excellent point that he wasn’t yet ready to play the role of earl’s grandnephew in public. He’d be more apt to behave like one of the farmers’ children.

But oh, Eden wanted him here. As she wished, unaccountably, for Hartley.

She glanced up at the angle of the sun. Surely it was past four, the hour when she had expected the earliest arrivals. Even Mr. Appleyard’s smile was a bit strained.

“If you wish, my lady, I will go into the dale…” He trailed off, pulling at his collar.

Eden flushed. “That is not necessary. I—”

She broke off as a carriage rolled up the drive. She recognized it as her own dog cart, Hartley Shaw at the ribbons. Passengers crowded the seats.

“I do believe it is Mrs. Singleton and her younger children,” Mr. Appleyard said. He hurried off to greet the cart as it approached, helping Mrs. Singleton descend with her new baby. Hartley hopped down and swung the children about as he set them on the lawn. He gave Eden a brief salute when he saw her watching. That was enough to drive all the worry from her heart.

Mrs. Singleton and the children were far better dressed and healthier than they had been three months ago. Eden noted with approval that the hollowness was gone from under the woman’s eyes. The little girl was dressed in her pretty white frock, and her red locks were laced with wild-flowers. The boy’s hair was neatly combed. The baby cooed contentedly.

“You are all most welcome,” Eden said.

Mrs. Singleton smiled. “We thank you for the invitation, your ladyship, and for all your kindnesses.”

“Mr. Appleyard tells me that you have heard from your husband.”

“It was due to your generous support that I was able to locate him,” Mr. Appleyard said. “He will return to the dale within the fortnight.”

And I hope he will be a better husband and father from now on, Eden thought. It seemed to her that Mr. Singleton deserved a good thrashing for abandoning his wife and children, no matter the circumstances.

The children began to fidget, staring wide-eyed at the vast quantities of food on the tables. Eden laughed. “I believe the children are hungry. Let them have whatever they like. As you can see, we are not lacking.”

Mrs. Singleton curtsied. “Thank you, my lady.” She herded the children toward the tables with the affectionate skill of an efficient sheepdog. Mr. Appleyard trailed after them like an earnest but ineffectual shepherd.

Eden’s eyes grew moist. Mrs. Singleton was a wise, courageous mother to her children, and she had no need of governesses. There were many things Eden could learn, even from so humble a woman.

“I thought that Mrs. Singleton and her children would enjoy a ride,” Hartley said at her elbow.

It was as if he was back where he belonged, at her side. She smiled behind a concealing hand. “I should have thought of that myself,” she said. “It is a rather long walk, is it not?”

“Country folk are used to walking.”

“If one has food enough, and warm clothing,” she said, watching the Singleton children laugh, their mouths stuffed with pastries and fruit.

“Which you have provided.” His voice was warm, so different than it had been in the garden.

“I had hoped to provide even more. Did you pass anyone else on the way?”

“I regret that I did not.”

From out of nowhere, a rather large cloud arrived to block the sun. Eden glanced at Hartley’s face, and caught him in a frown capable of summoning thunder from a clear sky.

“For weeks you planned this entertainment,” he said, “and this is their gratitude.”

“Oh, I cannot blame them. Why should they trust me?”

Hartley snorted. He glared toward the park gate. “I shall go down and fetch them.”

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Categories: Krinard, Susan