“I never wanted this marriage. I told you the first time we met that women lose their independence when they wed. I thought you were different, damn you.” Then she added, more softly, “I thought you were different.”

He reached out a hand to her.

She swatted it away.

“Eadyth, trust me, please. It may only be for a short time, and then—”

“Why should I trust you?” she shrieked. “And why for only a short time? Do you mean if I prove biddable, like a cow-eyed maiden? Or if I bow whenever you enter a room? Or simper at every word of wisdom that oozes from your mouth?”

Eirik gritted his teeth, no longer feeling so conciliatory. “Let us go to bed, Eadyth. It has been a long day. We can discuss this more in the morn, when you are more calm.”

“God above! You must have porridge for brains if you think I will sleep next to you this night…” A sudden thought occurred to her then and her face turned bright red before she continued, “. . . or spread my thighs for you, you miserable wretch.”

“We will sleep together, wife,” Eirik assured her, stepping toward her as she backed away, still clutching the ridiculously small cloth to her body, leaving her long legs and so much more exposed. He had a sudden inclination to feel those legs wrapped around his waist and that mouth moaning under his kisses. “Yea, we will sleep together. Furthermore, you will wear the one garment I have left for you.”

“Garment? What garment?” She scanned the room and saw nothing except the beekeeping veil hanging on a peg. When understanding dawned on her, she choked out, “You cannot mean—”

“Yea, I can.” He took the veil in one hand and a pair of shears in the other, deftly cutting a rough neckline in the fabric. He handed it to her. “Either you put it on, or I will.”

Eadyth watched her husband as he turned away from her. Her eyes darted about the room, searching for an escape. Or a weapon. There was neither.

Reluctantly, she donned the wispy gown, which was worse than no garment at all. It covered her from neck to ankle and wrist, but its sheerness made her feel more naked than bare skin.

Eirik proceeded to light at least three dozen of her costly beeswax candles. Her lips curling ferally, Eadyth made a mental account of the number he wasted and decided to bill him for them in a few days. Hah! He probably considered them his property now. Just like me. She bit her bottom lip to stop the tears from welling in her eyes at that horrid thought.

Laying the tinder on a table, Eirik turned, and his mouth dropped open. He gaped at her in open appreciation as his eyes traveled from the top to the bottom of the revealing garment.

To Eadyth’s satisfaction, Eirik did not look so cool and angry now. A wistful smile tugged at his lips. “I have been dreaming of you in that garment for a long time, afore I even knew of your beauty.”

“Keep on dreaming, lackbrain, because ’tis all you will do.”

“Do you think so?” he challenged, moving closer.

“I do not want you, Eirik.”

“You wanted me earlier today… with a passion,” he reminded her.

To her chagrin, Eadyth felt a blush heat her face. “I was besotted with lust then. Now that I know your true intent, it will not happen again.”

“I say it will.”

“So rape and imprisonment are to be my punishment.”

“I have never forced a woman in my life and have no intention of starting now,” he snarled, clenching his fists at his sides. “But, God’s Bones, you tempt a man to violence with your shrewish tongue.”

“You did not mind my shrewish tongue earlier today.”

Eirik shook his head in amazement at her quick words. “Ah, but then your tongue was engaged in more pleasant duties. In truth, I had planned on teaching you a novel exercise for your tongue this eve.” And he proceeded to tell her a most scandalous thing that men and women could do to each other with their tongues.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra