Putting both hands on her hips, Eadyth tilted her head in question.

“. . . wag your tail,” he finished with a chortle of laughter.

“You have better parts to wag than I do,” she retorted, shoving him playfully in the chest. He fell backward, pulling her with him to the ground.

Taking her face in both his hands, Eirik kissed her deeply. In truth, Eadyth could never seem to get enough of his lips and teeth and tongue. Why had she never known that kissing could be such a pleasure?

“You are looking dreamy-eyed again, Eadyth,” he said, blowing softly on the wetness of her lips.

“And no wonder! You turn a maid’s mind inside out with your kisses, and well you know it.”

“Just yours, Eadyth. Just yours. Now, will you tell me why you were looking at me like Prince looks at a juicy bone?”

“I just wondered how I could have grown to love you so quickly.”

“No doubt it is my manly prowess,” he boasted immodestly.

“I think I loved you long afore you ever touched me.”

“Really?” His eyes sparkled with interest.

She nodded. “Yea, ’twas when you acknowledged John as your son at our wedding feast, no doubt. And then when you gave me that tongue kiss in your bedchamber the same night, I suspected I would not be able to resist your charms for long.”

“Yea, my charms are formidable.”

She nipped at his shoulder and continued, “And then there was the time you were stung by my bees and did not beat me.”

“I was tempted.”

“But you did not.”

There was a long moment of silence as their eyes locked, and Eadyth cried inwardly that Eirik did not tell her that he loved her, as well. She told herself it did not matter, but, of course, it did.

“I am trying, Eadyth.” he said softly.

“I know,” she whispered, trying to hide her pain, and leaned up into his gentle kiss.

“Are you two at it again?” They looked up to see Tykir emerging from the tunnel entrance. “Hell, Eirik, every time I turn around, you are counting Eadyth’s teeth with your tongue.”

“Thirty-two,” Eirik said without a blink of his eyes.

“Huh?” Tykir said.

“Eadyth has thirty-two teeth.”

They all burst out laughing then.

Tykir dropped down to the ground next to them once their merriment ended.

“Where are the children?” Eadyth asked.

“I tied them to posts in the great hall.”

“How could you!” Eadyth exclaimed, horrified at his cruelty, and started to stand.

“Do not get your dander up, sister. Sit back down. They think it is a game. I am the mighty Viking warrior and they are my captives. At least it gives me a moment to breathe.” He grimaced comically. “I promised that when I return I will be their captive. Hell’s flames, I think I may go a-Viking when I leave Ravenshire just to get a rest.”

They all turned more serious then as they discussed the plan to lure Steven into their trap.

“I will leave with a large contingent of men on the morrow,” Eirik said. “If Earl Orm has not already done so, I will spread the word that I go to Gloucestershire to speak with the Witan.”

“Surely Steven will watch you carefully,” Eadyth said worriedly.

“Yea, but I will leave in full battle gear, including a helmet which covers my hair. When I get a few hides from Ravenshire, there is a wooded area where Sigurd will be waiting for me. Sigurd is much the same size as me. He and I will exchange garments. After the troops move on, I will backtrack to Ravenshire and enter through the secret tunnel.”

Eadyth bit her bottom lip anxiously.

“I know you are concerned about John. I am sending him under heavy guard, along with Larise and Emma, to Hawks’ Lair. They will leave tonight through the tunnel. I do not want them inside the keep, in the event something should go wrong with our plan.”

Eadyth put a hand to her mouth apprehensively. “And Tykir?”

“Will sail out tonight from Jorvik, along the Humber to the North Sea. Then he will travel back here by land. He will be the one to stay with the children at Hawks’ Lair. I do not think Emma will be manageable for long without one of us there.”

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Categories: Hill, Sandra