Then Steven seemed to calm himself. He looked Eirik levelly in the eyes, momentarily sane, and whispered brokenly, “Brother…” At the same time, he jerked his head forward, deliberately cutting his own throat. Blood spurted everywhere, but still a horrified Eirik held Steven upright by the arms.

And Eirik could not see for the tears which misted his eyes for his most hated enemy.

Chapter Twenty

Eadyth looked at the parchment in her hands and read it again, trying to understand:


It is over


What did it mean? Wilfrid had returned with the men that evening, bringing Godric home safely, thank the Lord. But Eirik had gone to Jorvik with Tykir, leaving no word for her when he might return to Ravenshire.

It is over. Did it mean the struggle with Steven of Gravely was finally over? Or did it mean he considered their marriage over?

Eadyth quizzed Wilfrid repeatedly and got no answers. Oh, Wilfrid had told Eadyth about Steven’s last words, and her heart went out to her husband and to Tykir, who must suffer greatly knowing they shared blood with such a demon. Or mayhap they grieved as well because they had never been able to help Steven as a boy before his mind became twisted from abuse.

Eadyth replayed the events of the past few days in her mind. Should she have gone to Eirik and told him all, even at the risk of Godric’s life and his own, as well? Eirik apparently thought so.

Would she have done things differently if she had a chance to do them over? Probably not, Eadyth admitted to herself. She was headstrong in her ways, just as Eirik had said.

Perhaps she could change. Maybe if she were able to remove all the objectionable characteristics Eirik had pointed out, Eirik would be pleased and grow to love her again. For the next few days, as Eirik stayed in Jorvik and sent no word to her, Eadyth deferred to Wilfrid in many matters regarding the estate, even when he looked at her oddly. Even when he performed his duties in a manner she considered less than satisfactory or in a way she could do better.

She did not raise her voice shrewishly, not once, even when Bertha belched loudly in the hall.

She spent more time with the children, tutoring them and telling them tales. Did that not make her more womanly, less mannish? Would that impress her husband?

If only Eirik would return, somehow she would make it up to him for all the ways in which she had wronged him. She ached for the return of her husband, for the love she had apparently lost.

And she ached for other reasons, as well. For throughout all those days that Eirik stayed away, Eadyth retched every morning, ate ravenously the remainder of the day, and wept spontaneously at the least provocation.

She was carrying Eirik’s child. She was gloriously happy. And she was extremely unhappy that she could not share the good news with her husband. Would he even consider it good news now?

“Send a message to the lackwit in Jorvik and tell him of the babe,” Girta advised. “He will come when he learns of your condition.”

“Nay. I want him to come because he loves me, not because of my child.”

“And if he does not return?”

“Oh, Girta,” Eadyth cried, throwing herself into her old nurse’s arms. “I could not bear it if he never came back to me.”

Then an insidious thought began to creep into Eadyth’s mind as a sennight went by and she still had no word from her errant husband.

Could he be with Asa?

Nay, he would not go to her. He told me he had given her up, that he preferred me, the other side of her mind countered.

But that was afore I lied to him.

Well, if the bastard prefers another woman, let him go.

Eadyth thought about that last possibility for only one moment. Nay! Bloody Hell, nay! I will not allow another woman to have my husband.

And Eadyth reverted back to her old ways. With brisk efficiency, she ordered Wilfrid to bring her horse, along with two guards to accompany her. She was going to Jorvik.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra