“A guardian! Oh, Sweet Mother of God!” Then she choked out, “Temporary?”

” ‘Til the new Witan meets officially next month.”

“Oh, Eirik, how can you say this news is not as bad as it sounds? ‘Tis the worst possible news.”

He reached out his hands and took both of her trembling ones in his. “Trust me, Eadyth. I will not let John come to harm.”


Earl Orm took a deep swallow of mead and wiped his forearm across his mouth. “I have already spoken with several members of the Witan—Ealdormen Byrhtnoth of Essex and Elfhere of Mercia. They are sure to stay on the Witan, even with Edred as king, along with Ealdormen Elfheah of Hampshire and Ethelwold of East Anglia. All are powerful nobles who see the danger in the new king allying himself with Steven of Gravely. They promised their support.”

Eadyth saw the wisdom in Eirik’s words, and she knew some of these men herself—good men of honest intention. Mayhap they would help her and Eirik in the custody battle.

“Despite his youth, Edred has to know the political tight-rope he walks,” Wilfrid remarked. “His brother Edmund managed to bring all of Britain under his domain. One slip and Edred could lose power with the dissenting kings.”

“And Edred needs to watch his back in his own territory, as well,” Tykir noted. “His nobles have become so wealthy and influential in these times of prosperity. Their own self-interest weighs heavier than their loyalty to their liege lord. And Edred is not as popular as his brother Edmund was. He will have to work harder to win their favor.”

“Yea, all you say is true,” Eirik said, looking at each of the men in turn. Then he gave his full attention to Eadyth. “More important to our concerns—I will travel to Glastonbury Abbey and then to Winchester with John. I will ask Edred to appoint me as the boy’s temporary guardian,” Eirik assured her. “Archbishop Dunstan, Edred’s cousin, will be there, and he, more than any other, can influence the king. Long has Dunstan been a favorite advisor of the rulers of the House of Wessex. Furthermore, Dunstan owes me for a favor I did him once in Frankland. An immense favor. I will call in my marker now.”

“Would we take Larise and Emma with us, as well?”

“Nay, Eadyth, you must stay here at Ravenshire with them. I have already sent Sigurd to fetch them home.”

She started to rise indignantly, but Eirik pushed her gently back into her chair. ” ‘Tis best that you not show yourself at court. No matter how you may mislike the bias, the Witan would resent the interference of a woman. And you do have a tendency to lose your temper and turn shrewish on the odd occasion.” He said the last with a slight smile. “You will have to let me handle this.”

Eadyth knew she must trust in her husband’s judgement, have faith in his abilities to solve her problems. Even so, it was hard to place her concerns in another’s hands.

But she nodded in silent agreement.

* * *

A sennight later, Eirik had not returned, and Eadyth missed him and her son desperately. Eirik sent daily missives, however, telling of his progress, or lack thereof. The ealdormen that Earl Orm had mentioned appeared supportive to their cause, but they were a small part of the king’s larger council.

Eirik laid his hopes more with Archbishop Dunstan, but the wily cleric was negotiating a harsh deal with Eirik for the favor. Among other things, Dunstan was demanding that Eirik agree to serve as ealdormain himself on the king’s advisory council, a political position Eirik had long disdained. Dunstan hoped to have more bishops appointed, as well—men who would do his bidding.

Unfortunately, Eirik had been unable to speak directly with King Edred since he was suffering mightily from a physical ailment that ran in the blood of his family—a debilitating and most painful swelling of the joints. With all the wet weather of late, he had been bedridden for days following his brother’s pompous funeral at Glastonbury.

And Steven of Gravely was absent.

* * *

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Categories: Hill, Sandra