“What kind of plans?” she asked, trying hard to hide her fear from Steven, sensing he would gain pleasure from her pain.

He leaned forward, and Eadyth almost reeled from the foul breath that swept her way.

“I told you, Eadyth, to kill your husband and make way for our marriage. Instead, you set your bastard spouse on me. Tsk, tsk! I cannot abide such disobedience of my orders. Really, Eadyth, what shall I do to punish you for your transgressions?” He tapped a forefinger to the side of his head, as if suddenly enlightened. “Ah, the boy!”

“Nay, you cannot kill Godric to get back at me,” she cried, jumping to her feet.

Steven leaned forward and shoved her back into her chair. “I said naught of killing,” he said calmly, his cold blue eyes knifing her contemptuously. “Leastways, not yet.”

Eadyth shifted uneasily in her chair under Steven’s mirthless smile. Finally, he said in a deadly cold voice, “This is how it will be, my future wife. I will give you another vial of the poison, like the one you failed to use afore. You will give it to your husband. This particular poison leaves no trace, and you will be pleased to know that the passing is painless, almost like a deep sleep. Then, when a suitable time passes… say, four sennights, we will be wed. And live happily ever after.” He grinned with evil satisfaction.

“Whyever would I do that?”

“Because, you troublesome bitch, you have no choice. If you dare to tell anyone of our plans, especially your husband, the boy will suffer unthinkable pain, tortures you could never imagine.”

She gasped and shook her head.

“If Eirik is not dead within three days, I intend to deliver a special package to you at Ravenshire.You do like surprises, like most women, do you not?” he asked. He waited several long moments before informing her, “His head will be delivered to your door.”

Tears were streaming down Eadyth’s face as she stared at Steven in horror. She had never believed in demonic possession; she did now.

Steven stood and pointed to a small pallet in the corner. “You may sleep here tonight, or for as many nights as it takes to make up your mind. In the end, I am sure you will agree there is no other way.”

He locked the door after himself, but she could hear his evil laugh as he walked away.

For the rest of that day and then the sleepless night, Eadyth considered all the alternatives, and tossed most away as unworkable.

She wanted desperately to tell Eirik, but decided she could not. How could she risk Godric’s life, not knowing if Steven still had a spy in Ravenshire? Eirik’s rage would be evident to all in the keep.

But, of course, she would not kill Eirik. She would kill no man, but certainly not the husband she had grown to love. However, Steven did not know that. As far as he could see, theirs was a marriage of convenience, arranged to suit her need for husbandly protection and Eirik’s need for lands and wealth.

She thought about going away herself, perhaps even seeking the asylum of the Church. But that would mean leaving John with Eirik. Even that painful separation she could bear if it would ensure John’s safety. But it would not. Steven would merely intensify his efforts to kill Eirik to reach his son.

If she could kill Steven herself, she would. But not once in her contacts with him could she think of any time he had left himself open to attack. If Eirik had been unsuccessful thus far in killing the demon, how could she hope to succeed?

Back and forth, Eadyth debated the dilemma in her head. Over and over, she recalled her words to Eirik that she would never, ever deliver herself and her sons into Steven’s filthy hands. She had sworn she would die first.

In the end, that was precisely what Eadyth decided that she and John would do—die.

* * *

The next morning when Steven returned to unlock her chamber, Eadyth had her emotions under control. She had become quite the actress while fooling Eirik over her appearance. She drew on that expertise now.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra