At first, she looked pleased with herself, no doubt congratulating herself for successfully making a fool of him. Then she returned to her earlier words. “I thought the gift Tykir gave me on your behalf would be sufficient to validate our marriage.”

” ‘Twas what I intended, of course, but the courts and the church could end our marriage, even now, without the consummation. There are those who know I was not here on my wedding night, and that I sleep alone. If Steven ever contested the marriage afore the Witan, we would have to swear that the deed was done.”

He stared at her boldly, enjoying her discomfort immensely. “Is it a risk you wish to take?”

Eadyth hesitated only a moment before shaking her head.

“Good. Then you will not mind that I ordered the servants to move your belongings into my bedchamber.”

“Already?” Although her face betrayed no panic—Lord, his wife was a consummate actress!—her slender fingers flexed nervously in her lap.

“Yea. Can you think of any reason for delay?”

Eadyth’s mind seemed to go blank. His question had struck her dumb.

“Well, mayhap you are right,” she conceded grudgingly. “After all, ’tis only one night. And, no doubt, ’tis best to get the bedding over and be done with the vile business so—”

“Vile business?” he asked incredulously. “That is the first time I have heard any woman refer to coupling with me as “vile business.’ You insult me, my lady.”

“Oh, I am sure lustful play is not distasteful for some females, but I—”

“Eadyth, did you not enjoy making love with Steven?”

“Enjoy? What was there to enjoy—betwixt the blood and the pain?”

“But after you lost your maidenhead, did Steven not give you pleasure the other times?”

“Other times? Are you daft? Why would I participate in such an odious act more than once?”

Eirik smiled then, and shook his head in wonderment. “I thought—”

“You thought I had developed round heels and was spreading my thighs like a dockside trollop?” she said with disgust. “Oh, you are just like all men, especially the lecherous ones who approached me as fair game with their indecent proposals after John’s birth.” She glared at him hostilely, but he continued to grin like an idiot. “Well, leastways, I will only have to do it this one more time, and be done with it.”

Eirik shook his head with amazement. Supremely informed in some areas, Eadyth was totally naive in others. He could not wait to hear what she said next. Truly, he was enjoying this new wife of his more and more.

“Wha… what?” Eadyth asked suspiciously.

Eirik brushed his index finger back and forth over his upper lip, watching her closely, trying to imagine just how young and comely she really was under those voluminous garments and the ridiculous scowling wrinkles.

“I find I have grown fond of children now that John and Larise and Godric are about so much,” he said. softly. “I have been thinking that mayhap I would like to have another child, perchance a son.”

In truth, it was the first time the thought had entered his head. Once the newness of the idea wore off, however, he found he was not so averse to having another babe. After Elizabeth’s death and his determination never to remarry, he had grown used to the idea that he would never father legitimate children. And he had missed Larise and Emma sorely. Now that Larise was back at Ravenshire, he determined to bring Emma back, as well.

“A babe?” Eadyth inhaled sharply in surprise. Then, she, too, seemed to consider the idea’s merit. “After Steven’s betrayal, I had grown accustomed to the idea of bearing no more children. It is a tempting prospect, but…” Cautiously, she asked, “How many times do you think it would take? I quickened after only one time afore.”

Eirik smothered a chuckle at her apparent distaste for the bedding, but her obvious yearning for another child. ” ‘Tis hard to say,” he replied, struggling to remain straight-faced. “The seed may not take so quickly at your advanced age.” He barely stifled a laugh before continuing, “For some, once is enough. For others, it takes fifty or sixty tries, or more.”

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Categories: Hill, Sandra