Blish,James – And all the Stars a Stage

inhabitable planet that we’re all seeking might very well. be along that

radius of expansion from home. With the Kestrel gone, that planet will

never be discovered-not by our race, anyhow. That’s what giving me


jorn swallowed and excused himself. There were times when the Director

seemed to him to be utterly inhuman.

“What’s the matter, Birn?” Ailiss said from the RF bridge, as he resumed

his post. “Director dress you down?”

“Oh, shut up.”

“Mind your tonguel’ she said, turning quite white. ‘rve had about enough

insubordination from you. I could use a navigator who doesn’t have to count

on his fingers-and by the Ghost if I get any more hp 0 go recruit me one.”

“You give me a great big fat blue-green fuzzy frozen pain in my starboard

rump, ApprenticeAdmiral OKung,” jorn said, hunching forward over his desk

and glaring up at her. ‘My math is better than yours and always was, and

you know it. if you

102 fames Blish

can find a better navigator, go ahead-I’d rather rub brigbtwork than be the

kicking-boy for your twitches any longer.”

“One word more, and–“

“Down, girl. If you don’t like it here, go back where you came from, but

lay off me-beginning right now. I didn’t volunteer you out of your attacb6s

office. If I could, I’d volunteer you right back into it before you could

draw another breath. Especially since its a little bit on fire by now. But

lay off-or he down, I don’t care which.”

Ailiss’ distorted mouth was opening and closing rapidly, but not quite

completely, like a singing bird’s, but no sound came from it but a sort of

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Categories: Blish, James