Blish,James – And all the Stars a Stage

she was wearing precisely the same outfit he was-evidently it was a kind of

uniform-she filled it much more interestingly. After a moment’s hesitation,

he stood up.

‘You’re Jom Birn,” she said, looking up at him out of violet eyes with what

he took to be a sort of automatic, impersonal appraisal. It did not really

seem to be a question, but for want of any alternative, Jorn answered it


“That’s right.”

“I hope you’ve finished your meal. If so, we can go now.”

“I’m finished, thank you,” Jom said. “Go where?”

“To see the Director,” she said, a little curtly. Evidently she was not

used to being questioned by applicants. “We’re ready for your interview.”

“My interviewl” Jorn exploded. Abruptly, he had- And all the Stars a Stage 29

had more arrogance, impersonality and mystification. than he could take.

‘Vhat else have I been getting all day, anyhow?”

“Interviews, of a sort,” she said coolly. “Naturally. Otherwise you would

never have gotten this far. But now you’re to talk to the Director-that’s

a different thing entirely.”

“I see,” Jorn said. “Meaning that I’m finally going to be told what it is

that I’m applying for?’


“If it were obvious to me, I wouldn’t have asked,* Jorn said. “However,

lead on. After all, it is what I came here for.”

As she turned, another thought occurred to him. “By the way,” he said, “you

know my name, but I’m afraid I didn’t catch yours.”

“I didn’t offer it,” she said. “And judging by your attitude, ies not

likely that you’re going to need it. I certainly hope not, anyhow. Come

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Categories: Blish, James