Blish,James – And all the Stars a Stage

turned to the girl with a petulant expression and said crossly:

‘-fou are going to have to do something about your primary screen, Ailiss.

It’s selecting out nothing but would-be beroes-and we do need a stand-by

crew, after all.”

“I can’t control the way you phrase your final questions,” Ailiss said

between white lips. “If you will call the number one crew the ‘working’

crew, then of


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course every jobless drone who gets through the primary screen will opt for

it. Try calling it the ‘throwaway’ crew and youll see the trend reverse

completely-as I’ve already recommended till rm all out of patience.”

“I see you are,” Ertak said drily. “But let me remind you that a complete

reversal is not what I want either. Each man on the stand-by crew needs to

be emotionally ready to go, if we should need him. However, you have a

point. I’ll take it under advisement.”

“That’s what you always say,” Ailiss said; but the Director abruptly seemed

to have given up heeding the bickering. So, in fact, had Jorn Birn, who was

suddenly overwhelmed by the realization that he had a job.

And not just any ordinary piece of suicidal space research, a ghost of Jurg

Wester reminded him silently. These people didn’t do things by halves. They

were going to send him to the stars.

“That’s enough,” Ertak’s voice said sharply, cutting through his

bemusement. “Mr. Birn, it now becomes necessary for you to go home and

settle your affairs; we will send you further instructions in twenty-one

days. The rest of you, report to me tomorrow as usual. This session is

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Categories: Blish, James