Blish,James – And all the Stars a Stage

land areas show a few limited deserts, but for the most part are completely

covered with plant life, apparentlyVery complex. This binary system is at

a mean distance from the primary of about ninety-three million miles. The

two innermost planets are not inhabitable.”

As close as that? jorn thought. Thaes no good. One really extensive solar

flare, and-

But life took a long time to arise. Evidently there hadn’t been any solar

flare big enough to be dangerous for some 500 mfflion years, at the least.

And all the Stars a Stage 185

‘How quiet is the star, Monel?”

“Very quiet, Director. It`s a micro-variable. judging by spot types, the

longest period would seem to be about ten years. During that time the solar

constant may vary by about two per cent—certainly no more.”

“I see. What is the situation in the binary system itself? The dynamical


‘Stable, Director. The two worlds are about a quarter of a million miles

apart, and separating slowly, because of tides in the oceans I mentioned.

The tidal friction appears as an increase in the angular momentum of the

smaller planet; but it’s very slight.”

There went another possible out. Jorn sighed.


There was a long silence. Finally he realized that they were waiting for

him to turn around. When he did so, Monel’s hand was raised.

“Go ahead, Monel.”

“Director, we know that this isn’t exactly the kind of star that the

computer is supposed to favor. But we ask leave to remind you that our

generation can’t share your prejudices in the matter, or the computer’s

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Categories: Blish, James