Blish,James – And all the Stars a Stage

acres were required to feed each and every person in one of these little


The cities were also isolated. The rest of this world was pure jungle. That

there was a sort of civilization arising here could not be argued, but it

was obviously primitive, based upon the most back-breaking, aroundthe-cIock

labor-slave labor, almost beyond question. So it appeared to forn.

An almost microscopically close examination of the giant moon had showed

nothing. It was dead, and always had been. The fourth planet, on . the

other hand, still had rudimentary vegetation; but its surface was cracked

and split and tilted like a vast artillery target by millennia, even by

geological ages of bombardment by large strays from this system’s asteroid

belt If it had ever held advanced forms of lifewhich was in itself very

doubtful, considering the

And all the Stars a Stage 187

p I lanet’s small size they had been bombed out by

more planet-wide concussions than an aching old head

cared to visualize. There was nothing to fear from that


‘We’ll be touching down after the next circuit, Director. Near the spur of

the large southern continent that’s shaped like a big upside-down buskin.”

I see no objection. Let her go, Monel. I think this is it.”

“Yes, sirl”

The Javelin creaked, righted herself, and glided down like a dowager,

dignified, ancient, and more than a little weary. The green world rushed up

to meet her.

She settled. The engines throbbed once and were silent. Was it over at

last-or, once more, just beginning?

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Categories: Blish, James