Blish,James – And all the Stars a Stage


“My field,” Ailiss said. “And I disagree. Those ties are already illusory;

and the second generation will not feel them at all. Look around you,

Doctor; we are not young any morel That generation is treading on our heels

and ought to be given its chance. Ws not much of a chance, perhaps, but we

are not empowered to commit suicide for them; that is their decision to

make, not ours.”

“Suicide is an inflammatory term,” Dr. ChaseHuebner said.

“Murder is an even more unpleasant one, Doctor. I thought you would

appreciate my avoiding it.”

“Exactly,” Jorn said. I haven’t heard anybody arguing with the computer’s

equations, or with Dr. Kamblin’s interpretation of them. That’s where we

have to start. They are both perfectly definite and don~t permit of any

argument. All the rest, I am afraid, is emotion -as is signalled by the

fact that we have already degenerated into using loaded words. And I cannot

impress upon you too strongly that every minute we spend now brings us

closer and closer to that enemy, whoever he may turn out to be, who will

burst our bubble for good … and our children’s as well.”

Dr. Chase-Huebner’s lips thinned; it was obvious that she thought she was

being reminded that she had no children aboard.

166 James Blish

“Very well,” she said remotely. “I will present your opinions to the


“Please,” Jorn said, as gently as be could. “That!s not quite how it goes.

Please present our decision to the Director.”

Ailiss’ eyebrows shot up, but she offered no protest. Her old back as

straight as a spear, Dr. ChaseHuebner walked away from them and into the

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Categories: Blish, James