DARKFALL By Dean R. Koontz

Davey followed safely after her.

Jack came last. As soon as he was on the bridge, there was, of course,

no one holding the far end of it. However, his weight held it in place,

and he didn’t scramble completely off until there was another lull in

the wind.

Then he helped Rebecca drag the plywood back onto the roof.

“Now what?” she asked.

“One building’s not enough,” he said. “We’ve got to put more distance

between us and them.”

Using the plywood, they crossed the gulf between the second and third

apartment houses, went from the third roof to the fourth, then from the

fourth to the fifth. The next building was ten or twelve stories higher

than this one. Their roof-hopping had come to an end, which was just as

well, since their arms were beginning to ache from dragging and lifting

the heavy sheet of plywood.

At the rear of the fourth brownstone, Rebecca leaned over the parapet

and looked down into the alley, four stories below. There was some

light down there: a streetlamp at each end of the block, another in the

middle, plus the glow that came from all the windows of the first-floor

apartments. She couldn’t see any goblins in the alley, or any other

living creatures for that matterjust snow in blankets and mounds, snow

twirling in small and short-lived tornadoes, snow in vaguely

phosphorescent sheets like the gowns of ghosts racing in front of the

wind. Maybe there were goblins crouching in the shadows somewhere, but

she didn’t really think so because she couldn’t see any glowing white


A black, iron, switchback fire escape descended to the alley in a

zig-zag path along the rear face of the building. Jack went down first,

stopping at each landing to wait for Penny and Davey; he was prepared to

break their fall if they slipped on the cold, snow-covered, and

occasionally ice-sheathed steps.

Rebecca was the last off the roof. At each landing on the fire escape,

she paused to look down at the alley, and each time she expected to see

strange, threatening creatures loping through the snow toward the foot

of the iron steps. But each time, she saw nothing.

When they were all in the alley, they turned right, away from the row of

brownstones, and ran as fast as they could toward the cross street. When

they reached the street, already slowing from a run to a fast walk, they

turned away from Third Avenue and headed back toward the center of the


Nothing followed them.

Nothing came out of the dark doorways they passed.

For the moment they seemed safe. But more than that . . . they

seemed to have the entire metropolis to themselves, as if they were the

only four survivors of doomsday.

Rebecca had never seen it snow this hard. This was a rampaging,

lashing, hammering storm more suitable to the savage polar ice fields

than to New York. Her face was numb, and her eyes were watering, and

she ached in every joint and muscle from the constant struggle required

to resist the insistent wind.

Two-thirds of the way to Lexington Avenue, Davey stumbled and fell and

simply couldn’t find the energy to continue on his own. Jack carried


From the look of her, Penny was rapidly using up the last of her

reserves, as well. Soon, Rebecca would have to take Davey, so Jack

could then carry Penny.

And how far and how fast could they expect to travel under those

circumstances? Not far. Not very damned fast. They needed to find

transportation within the next few minutes.

They reached the avenue, and Jack led them to a large steel grate which

was set in the pavement and from which issued clouds of steam. It was a

vent from one sort of underground tunnel or another, most likely from

the subway system. Jack put Davey down, and the boy was able to stand

on his own feet. But it was obvious that he would still have to be

carried when they started out again. He looked terrible; his small face

was drawn, pinched, and very pale except for enormous dark circles

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Categories: Koontz, Dean