DARKFALL By Dean R. Koontz

The music didn’t stop. Didn’t even miss a beat.

No one had heard her.

Except for the one at the foot of the stairs, all the creatures had

gathered into a pack. Their blazing eyes looked like a cache of

diamonds spread on black velvet.

None of them advanced on her. They waited.

After a moment she turned to the stairs again.

Now, the beast at the bottom of the stairs moved, too. But it didn’t

come toward her. It darted into the cellar and joined the others of its


The stairs were clear, though dark.

It’s a trick.

As far as she could see, there was nothing to prevent her from climbing

the stairs as fast as she could.

It’s a trap.

But there was no need for them to set a trap. She was already trapped.

They could have rushed her at any time. They could have killed her if

they’d wanted to kill her.

The flickering ice-white eyes watched her.

Mrs. March pounded on the piano.

The kids sang.

Penny bolted away from the shelves, dashed to the stairs, and clambered

upward. Step by step she expected the things to bite her heels, latch

onto her, and drag her down. She stumbled once, almost fell back to the

bottom, grabbed the railing with her free hand, and kept going. The top

step. The landing. Fumbling in the dark for the doorknob, finding it.

The hallway. Light, safety. She slammed the door behind her. Leaned

on it.


In the music room, they were still singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed


The corridor was deserted.

Dizzy, weak in the legs, Penny slid down and sat on the floor, her back

against the door. She let go of the carry-all. She had been gripping

it so tightly that the handle had left its mark across her palm. Her

hand ached.

The song ended.

Another song began. Silver Bells.

Gradually, Penny regained her strength, calmed herself, and was able to

think clearly. What wet those hideous little things? Where did they

come from? What did they want from her?

Thinking clearly wasn’t any help. She couldn’t come up with a single

acceptable answer.

A lot of really dumb answers kept occurring to her, however: goblins,

gremlins, ogres…. Cripes. It couldn’t be anything like that. This

was real life, not a fairy tale.

How could she ever tell anyone about her experience in the cellar

without seeming childish or, worse, even slightly crazy? Of course,

grown-ups didn’t like to use the term “crazy” with children. You could

be as nuts as a walnut tree, babble like a loon, chew on furniture, set

fire to cats, and talk to brick walls, and as long as you were still a

kid, the worst they’d say about you -in public, at least-was that you

were “emotionally disturbed, ” although what they meant by that was

“crazy.” If she told Mr. Quillen or her father or any other adult about

the things she had seen in the school basement, everyone would think she

was looking for attention and pity; they’d figure she hadn’t yet

adjusted to her mother’s death. For a few months after her mother

passed away, Penny had been in bad shape, confused, angry, frightened, a

problem to her father and to herself. She had needed help for a while.

Now, if she told them about the things in the basement, they would think

she needed help again. They would send her to a “counselor,” who would

actually be a psychologist or some other kind of head doctor, and they’d

do their best for her, give her all sorts of attention and sympathy and

treatment, but they simply wouldn’t believe her-until, with their own

eyes, they saw such things as she had seen.

Or until it was too late for her.

Yes, they’d all believe then-when she was dead.

She had no doubt whatsoever that the fiery-eyed things would try to kill

her, sooner or later. She didn’t know why they wanted to take her life,

but she sensed their evil intent, their hatred. They hadn’t harmed her

yet, true, but they were growing bolder. Last night, the one in her

bedroom hadn’t damaged anything except the plastic baseball bat she’d

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Categories: Koontz, Dean