DARKFALL By Dean R. Koontz

Lavelle staggered back a few steps, but he was evidently too terrified

to be able to turn and run.

The earth trembled.

Within the pit, something roared. It had a voice that shook the night.

The air stank of sulphur.

Something snaked up from the depths. It was like a tentacle but not

exactly a tentacle, like a chitinous insect leg but not exactly an

insect leg, sharply jointed in several places and yet as sinuous as a

serpent. It soared up to a height of fifteen feet. The tip of the thing

was equipped with long whiplike appendages that writhed around a loose,

drooling, toothless mouth large enough to swallow a man whole. Worse,

it was in some ways exceedingly clear that this was only a minor feature

of the huge beast rising from the Gates; it was as small,

proportionately, as a human finger compared to an entire human body.

Perhaps this was the only thing that the escaping Lovecraftian entity

had thus far been able to extrude between the opening Gates-this one


The giant, inseetile, tentacular limb bent toward Lavelle. The whiplike

appendages at the tip lashed out, snared him, and lifted him off the

ground, into the blood-red light. He screamed and flailed, but he could

do nothing to prevent himself from being drawn into that obscene,

drooling mouth. And then he was gone.

In the cathedral, the last of the goblins had reached the communion

railing. At least a hundred of them turned blazing eyes on Rebecca,

Penny, Davey, and Father Walotsky.

Their hissing was now augmented with an occasional snarl.

Suddenly the four-eyed, four-armed manlike demon leaped off the rail,

into the chancel. It took a few tentative steps forward and looked from

side to side; there was an air of wariness about it. Then it raised its

tiny spear, shook it, and shrieked.

Immediately, all of the other goblins shrieked, too.

Another one dared to enter the chancel.

Then a third. Then four more.

Rebecca glanced sideways, toward the sacristy door.

But it was no use running in there. The goblins would only follow. The

end had come at last.

The worm-thing reached Carver Hampton where he sat on the floor, his

back pressed to the wall. It reared up, until half its disgusting body

was off the floor.

He looked into those bottomless, fiery eyes and knew that he was too

weak a Houngon to protect himself.

Then, out behind the house, something roared; it sounded enormous and

very much alive.

The earth quaked, and the house rocked, and the worm-demon seemed to

lose interest in Carver. It turned half away from him and moved its

head from side to side, began to sway to some music that Carver could

not hear.

With a sinking heart, he realized what had temporarily enthralled the

thing: the sound of other Hell-trapped souls screeching toward a

long-desired freedom, the triumphant ululation of the Ancient Ones at

last breaking their bonds.

The end had come.

Jack advanced to the edge of the pit. The rim was dissolving, and the

hole was growing larger by the second. He was careful not to stand at

the very brink.

The fierce red glow made the snowflakes look like whirling embers. But

now there were shafts of bright white light mixed in with the red, the

same silvery-white as the goblins’ eyes, and Jack was sure this meant

the Gates were opening dangerously far.

The monstrous appendage, half insectile and half like a tentacle, swayed

above him threateningly, but he knew it couldn’t touch him. Not yet,

anyway. Not until the Gates were all the way open. For now, the

benevolent gods of Rada still possessed some power over the earth, and

he was protected by them.

He took the jar of holy water from his coat pocket.

He wished he had Carver’s jar, as well, but this would have to do. He

unscrewed the lid and threw it aside.

Another menacing shape was rising from the depths.

He could see it, a vague dark presence rushing up through the nearly

blinding light, howling like a thousand dogs.

He had accepted the reality of Lavelle’s black magic and of Carver’s

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Categories: Koontz, Dean