DARKFALL By Dean R. Koontz

“For a few years. Then she died when I was fifteen.

Her heart. Not real sudden. Not real slow, either. After that, I was

made a ward of the court. I spent the next three years, until I was

eighteen, in a series of foster homes. Four of them, in all. I never

got close to any of my foster parents; I never allowed myself to get

close. I kept asking to be transferred, see. Because by then, even as

young as I was, I realized that loving people, depending on them,

needing them, is just too dangerous. Love is just a way to set you up

for a bad fall. It’s the rug they pull out from under you at the very

moment you finally decide that everything’s going to be fine. We’re all

so ephemeral. So fragile. And life’s so unpredictable.”

“But that’s no reason to insist on going it alone,” Jack said. “In

fact, don’t you see-that’s the reason we must find people to love,

people to share our lives with, to open our hearts and minds to, people

to depend on, cherish, people who’ll depend on us when they need to know

they’re not alone. Caring for your friends and family, knowing they

care for you-that’s what keeps our minds off the void that waits for all

of us. By loving and letting ourselves be loved, we give meaning and

importance to our lives; it’s what keeps us from being just another

species of the animal kingdom, grubbing for survival. At least for a

short while, through love, we can forget about the goddamned darkness at

the end of everything.”

He was breathless when he finished-and astonished by what he had said,

startled that such an understanding had been in him.

She slipped an arm across his chest. She held him fast.

.She said, “You’re right. A part of me knows that what you’ve said is



“But there’s another part of me that’s afraid of letting myself love or

be loved, ever again. The part that can’t bear losing it all again. The

part that thinks loneliness is preferable to that kind of loss and


“But see, that’s just it. Love given or love taken is never lost,” he

said, holding her. “Once you’ve loved someone, the love is always

there, even after they’re gone. Love is the only thing that endures.

Mountains are torn down, built up, torn down again over millions and

millions of years. Seas dry up. Deserts give way to new seas. Time

crumbles every building man erects.

Great ideas are proven wrong and collapse as surely as castles and

temples. But love is a force, an energy, a power. At the risk of

sounding like a Hallmark card, I think love is like a ray of sunlight,

traveling for all eternity through space, deeper and deeper into

infinity; like that ray of light, it never ceases to exist. Love


It’s a binding force in the universe, like the energy within a molecule

is a binding force, as surely as gravity is a binding force. Without

the cohesive energy in a molecule, without gravity, without love-chaos.

We exist to love and be loved, because love seems to me to be the only

thing that brings order and meaning and light to existence. It must be

true. Because if it isn’t true, what purpose do we serve? Because if

it isn’t true-God help us.”

For minutes, they lay in silence, touching.

Jack was exhausted by the flood of words and feelings that had rushed

from him, almost without his volition.

He desperately wanted Rebecca to be with him for the rest of his life.

He dreaded losing her.

But he said not more. The decision was hers.

After a while she said, “For the first time in ages, I’m

“Ach! Alan Alda wouldn’t eat peanut butter and onion sandwiches.”

“But I have one great virtue that more than makes up for all of those

terrible faults,” he said.

She grinned. “What’s that?”

“I love you.”

This time, she didn’t ask him to refrain from saying it.

She kissed him.

Her hands moved over him.

She said, “Make love to me again.”

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Categories: Koontz, Dean