DARKFALL By Dean R. Koontz

Maybe Carver Hampton had been wrong. Maybe holy water and the good

intentions of a righteous man had not been sufficient to put an end to

it. Perhaps it had gone too far. Perhaps nothing could prevent

Armageddon now.

Two glossy black, segmented, whiplike appendages, each an inch in

diameter, lashed up from the pit, snapped in front of Jack, snaked

around him. One wound around his left leg from ankle to crotch. The

other looped around his chest, spiraled down his left arm, curled around

his wrist, snatched at his fingers.

His leg was jerked out from under him. He fell, thrashing, flailing

desperately at the attacker but to no avail; it had a steel grip; he

couldn’t free himself, couldn’t pry it loose. The beast from which the

tentacles sprouted was hidden far down in the pit, and now it tugged at

him, dragged him toward the brink, a demonic fisherman reeling in its

catch. A serrated spine ran the length of each tentacle, and the

serrations were sharp; they didn’t immediately cut through his clothes,

but where they crossed the bare skin of his wrist and hand, they sliced

open his flesh, cut deep.

He had never known such pain.

He was suddenly scared that he would never see Davey, Penny, or Rebecca


He began to scream.

In St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Rebecca took two steps toward the piles of

now-ordinary earth that had, only a moment ago, been living creatures,

but she stopped short when the scattered dirt trembled with a current of

impossible, perverse life. The stuff wasn’t dead after all.

The grains and clots and clumps of soil seemed to draw moisture from the

air; the stuff became damp; the separate pieces in each loose pile began

to quiver and strain and draw laboriously toward the others. This

evilly enchanted earth was apparently trying to regain its previous

forms, struggling to reconstitute the goblins.

One small lump, lying apart from all the others, began to shape itself

into a tiny, wickedly clawed foot.

“Die, damnit,” Rebecca said. “Die!”

Sprawled on the rim of the pit, certain that he was going to be pulled

into it, his attention split between the void in front of him and the

pain blazing in his savaged hand, Jack screamed -and at that same

instant the tentacle around his arm and torso abruptly whipped free of

him. The second demonic appendage slithered away from his left leg a

moment later.

The hell-light dimmed.

Now, the beast below was wailing in pain and torment of its own. Its

tentacles lashed erratically at the night above the pit.

In that moment of chaos and crisis, the gods of Rada must have visited a

revelation upon Jack, for he knewwithout understanding how he knew-that

it was his blood that had made the beast recoil from him. In a

confrontation with evil, perhaps the blood of a righteous man was (much

like holy water) a substance with powerful magical qualities. And

perhaps his blood could accomplish what holy water alone could not.

The rim of the pit began to crumble again. The hole grew wider. The

Gates were again rolling open. The light rising out of the earth turned

from orange to crimson once more.

Jack pushed up from his prone position and knelt at the brink. He could

feel the earth slowly-and then not so slowly-coming apart beneath his

knees. Blood was streaming off his torn hand, dripping from all five

fingertips. He leaned out precariously, over the pit, and shook his

hand, flinging scarlet droplets into the center of the seething light.

Below, the shrieking and keening swelled to an even more ear-splitting

pitch than it had when he’d tossed the holy water into the breach. The

light from the devil’s furnace dimmed and flickered, and the perimeter

of the pit stabilized.

He cast more of his blood into the chasm, and the tortured cries of the

damned faded but only slightly. He blinked and squinted at the pulsing,

shifting, mysteriously indefinable bottom of the hole, leaned out even

farther to get a better look -and with a whoosh of blisteringly hot air,

a huge face rose up toward him, ballooning out of the shimmering light,

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Categories: Koontz, Dean