DARKFALL By Dean R. Koontz

He figured he was bleeding to death. The wound didn’t seem that bad,

but maybe it was worse than he thought. Or maybe it was just shock that

made him feel this way. Yeah, that must be it, shock, just shock, not

bleeding to death after all, just suffering from shock, but of course

shock could kill, too.

Whatever the reasons, he floated, oblivious of his own pain, just

bobbing up and down, drifting there on the hard floor that wasn’t hard

at all, drifting on some far-away tropical tide . . . until, from

upstairs, there was the sound of gunfire and a shrill scream that

snapped his eyes open. He had an out-of-focus, floor-level view of the

empty room. He blinked his eyes rapidly and squinted until his clouded

visions cleared, and then-he wished it hadn’t cleared because he saw

that he was no longer alone.

One of the denizens of the pit was with him, its eyes aglow.

Upstairs, Jack tried the door that Lavelle had slammed. It was locked,

but the lock probably didn’t amount to much, just a privacy set, flimsy

as they could be made, because people didn’t want to put heavy and

expensive locks inside a house.

“Lavelle?” he shouted.

No answer.

“Open up. No use trying to hide in there.”

From inside the room came the sound of a shattering wmdow.

“Shit,” Jack said.

He stepped back and kicked at the door, but there was more to the lock

than he’d expected, and he had to kick it four times, as hard as he

could, before he finally smashed it open.

He switched on the light. An ordinary bedroom. No sign of Lavelle.

The window in the opposite wall was broken out.

Drapes billowed on the in-rushing wind.

Jack checked the closet first, just to be sure this wasn’t a bit of

misdirection to enable Lavelle to get behind his back. But no one

waited in the closet.

He went to the window. In the light that spilled past him, he saw

footprints in the snow that covered the porch roof. They led out to the

edge. Lavelle had jumped down to the yard below.

Jack squeezed through the window, briefly snagging his coat on a shard

of glass, and went onto the roof.

In the cathedral, approximately seventy or eighty goblins had come out

of the vestibule. They were lined up on the communion rail and between

the supporting posts under the rail. Behind them, other beasts slouched

up the long aisle.

Father Walotsky was on his knees, praying, but he didn’t seem to be

doing any good, so far as Rebecca could see.

In fact, there were some bad signs. The goblins weren’t as sluggish as

they had been. Tails lashed. Mutant heads whipped back and forth.

Tongues flickered faster than before.

Rebecca wondered if they could, through sheer numbers, overcome the

benign power that held sway within the cathedral and that had, so far,

prevented them from attacking. As each of the demonic creatures

entered, it brought its own measure of malignant energy. If the balance

of power tipped in the other direction . . .

One of the goblins hissed. They had been perfectly silent since

entering the cathedral, but now one of them hissed, and then another,

and then three more, and in seconds all of them were hissing angrily.

Another bad sign.

Carver Hampton.

When he saw the demonic entity in the hallway, the floor suddenly seemed

a bit more solid to him. His heart began to pound, and the real world

came swimming back to him out of the tropical hallucination-although

this part of the real world contained, at this time, something from a


The thing in the hall skittered toward the open arch and the living

room. From Carver’s perspective, it looked enormous, at least his own

size, but he realized it wasn’t really as large as it seemed from his

peculiar floor-level point of view. But big enough. Oh, yes. Its head

was the size of his fist. Its sinuous, segmented, wormlike body was

half again as long as his arm. Its crablike legs ticked against the

wooden floor. The only features on its misshapen head were an ugly

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Categories: Koontz, Dean