DARKFALL By Dean R. Koontz

He turned and clambered up the steps. He stumbled once in the

blackness, almost fell, regained his balance.

By the time he reached the master bedroom, the noises behind him were

more savage, closer, louder-and hungrier.

Vague shafts of weak light came through the bedroom windows, errant

beams from the streetlamps outside, lightly frosting the eighteenth

century Italian canopy bed and the other antiques, gleaming on the

beveled edges of the crystal paperweights that were displayed along the

top of the writing desk that stood between the two windows. If Vince

had turned and looked back, he would have been able to see at least the

bare outline of his pursuer. But he didn’t look. He was afraid to


He got a whiff of a foul odor. Sulphur? Not quite, but something like


On a deep, instinctual level, he knew what was coming after him. His

conscious mind could not-or would not-put a name to it, but his

subconscious knew what it was, and that was why he fled from it in blind

panic, as wide-eyed and spooked as a dumb animal reacting to a bolt of


He hurried through the shadows to the master bath, which opened off the

bedroom. In the cloying darkness he collided hard with the half-closed

bathroom door. It crashed all the way open. Slightly stunned by the

impact, he stumbled into the large bathroom, groped for the door,

slammed and locked it behind him.

In that last moment of vulnerability, as the door swung shut, he had

seen nightmarish, silvery eyes glowing in the darkness. Not just two

eyes. A dozen of them.

Maybe more.

Now, something struck the other side of the door.

Struck it again. And again. There were several of them out there, not

just one. The door shook, and the lock rattled, but it held.

The creatures in the bedroom screeched and hissed considerably louder

than before. Although their icy cries were utterly alien, like nothing

Vince had ever heard before, the meaning was clear; these were obviously

bleats of anger and disappointment. The things pursuing him had been

certain that he was within their grasp, and they had chosen not to take

his escape in a spirit of good sportsmanship.

The things. Odd as it was, that was the best word for them, the only

word: things.

He felt as if he were losing his mind, yet he could not deny the

primitive perceptions and instinctive understanding that had raised his

hackles. Things. Not attack dogs. Not any animal he’d ever seen or

heard about.

This was something out of a nightmare; only something from a nightmare

could have reduced Ross Morrant to a defenseless, whimpering victim.

The creatures scratched at the other side of the door, gouged and

scraped and splintered the wood. Judging from the sound, their claws

were sharp. Damned sharp.

What the hell were they?

Vince was always prepared for violence because violence was an integral

part of the world in which he moved. You couldn’t expect to be a drug

dealer and lead a life as quiet as that of a schoolteacher. But he had

never anticipated an attack like this. A man with a gun -yes. A man

with a knife-he could handle that, too.

A bomb wired to the ignition of his car-that was certainly within the

realm of possibility. But this was madness.

As the things outside tried to chew and claw and batter their way

through the door, Vince fumbled in the darkness until he found the

toilet. He put the lid down on the seat, sat there, and reached for the


When he’d been twelve years old, he had seen, for the first time, the

telephone in his uncle Gennaro Carramazza’s bathroom, and from that

moment it had seemed to him that having a phone in the can was the

ultimate symbol of a man’s importance, proof that he was indispensable

and wealthy. As soon as he’d been old enough to get an apartment of his

own, Vince had had a phone installed in every room, including the john,

and he’d had one in every master bath in every apartment and house since

then. In terms of self-esteem, the bathroom phone meant as much to him

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Categories: Koontz, Dean