Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon by Jules Verne

one wing to another. By a kind of optical illusion it appeared as

though the raft was motionless between two moving pathways.

Benito had no shooting on the banks, for no halt was made, but game

was very advantageously replaced by the results of the fishing.

A great variety of excellent fish were taken–_”pacos,” “surubis,”

“gamitanas,”_ of exquisite flavor, and several of those large rays

called _”duridaris,”_ with rose-colored stomachs and black backs

armed with highly poisonous darts. There were also collected by

thousands those _”candirus,”_ a kind of small silurus, of which many

are microscopic, and which so frequently make a pincushion of the

calves of the bather when he imprudently ventures into their haunts.

The rich waters of the Amazon were also frequented by many other

aquatic animals, which escorted the jangada through its waves for

whole hours together.

There were the gigantic _”pria-rucus,”_ ten and twelve feet long,

cuirassed with large scales with scarlet borders, whose flesh was not

much appreciated by the natives. Neither did they care to capture

many of the graceful dolphins which played about in hundreds,

striking with their tails the planks of the raft, gamboling at the

bow and stern, and making the water alive with colored reflections

and spurts of spray, which the refracted light converted into so many


On the 16th of June the jangada, after fortunately clearing several

shallows in approaching the banks, arrived near the large island of

San Pablo, and the following evening she stopped at the village of

Moromoros, which is situated on the left side of the Amazon.

Twenty-four hours afterward, passing the mouths of the Atacoari or

Cocha–or rather the _”furo,”_ or canal, which communicates with the

lake of Cabello-Cocha on the right bank–she put in at the rising

ground of the mission of Cocha. This was the country of the Marahua

Indians, whose long floating hair, and mouths opening in the middle

of a kind of fan made of the spines of palm-trees, six inches long,

give them a cat-like look–their endeavor being, according to Paul

Marcoy, to resemble the tiger, whose boldness, strength, and cunning

they admire above everything. Several women came with these Marahuas,

smoking cigars, but holding the lighted ends in their teeth. All of

them, like the king of the Amazonian forests, go about almost naked.

The mission of Cocha was then in charge of a Franciscan monk, who was

anxious to visit Padre Passanha.

Joam Garral received him with a warm welcome, and offered him a seat

at the dinner-table.

On that day was given a dinner which did honor to the Indian cook.

The traditional soup of fragrant herbs; cake, so often made to

replace bread in Brazil, composed of the flour of the manioc

thoroughly impregnated with the gravy of meat and tomato yelly;

poultry with rice, swimming in a sharp sauce made of vinegar and

_”malagueta;”_ a dish of spiced herbs, and cold cake sprinkled with

cinnamon, formed enough to tempt a poor monk reduced to the ordinary

meager fare of his parish. They tried all they could to detain him,

and Yaquita and her daughter did their utmost in persuasion. But the

Franciscan had to visit on that evening an Indian who was lying ill

at Cocha, and he heartily thanked the hospitable family and departed,

not without taking a few presents, which would be well received by

the neophytes of the mission.

For two days Araujo was very busy. The bed of the river gradually

enlarged, but the islands became more numerous, and the current,

embarrassed by these obstacles, increased in strength. Great care was

necessary in passing between the islands of Cabello-Cocha, Tarapote,

and Cacao. Many stoppages had to be made, and occasionally they were

obliged to pole off the jangada, which now and then threatened to run

aground. Every one assisted in the work, and it was under these

difficult circumstances that, on the evening of the 20th of June,

they found themselves at Nuestra-Senora-di-Loreto.

Loreto is the last Peruvian town situated on the left bank of the

river before arriving at the Brazilian frontier. It is only a little

village, composed of about twenty houses, grouped on a slightly

undulating bank, formed of ocherous earth and clay.

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