Gemmell, David – Morningstar

Wulf approached, his eyes angry, a sharp dagger in his hand. ‘He didn’t look so pathetic when he sent the Dead after us,’ he snapped. ‘Nor when he delivered our souls into Hell. Let me cut his heart out, Mace!’Perhaps later,’ agreed Mace, patting the man’s twisted shoulder, then following Megan into the cabin. I stood outside, still reeling from the ruin in the eyes of my old master. The man was a shell, his mind almost gone.

The powerful figure of Brackban ‘moved past me. Then the outlaw Corlan approached the cabin, but instead of entering he

came alongside me. I looked up into his grey eyes. His pale hair was tied back in a long pony-tail which accentuated the harshness of his features, the high cheekbones and the cruel mouth.

‘A word with you, sorcerer,’ he said, keeping his voice low. I nodded dumbly. The last thing I needed now was a conversation with a murderous outlaw whom I had tricked into becoming a soldier of the Light. Yet I stood there, my face expressionless.

‘We all swore an oath,’ said Corlan, ‘and I have done my part. You agree?’It would appear so,’ I answered him.

‘Now I want to be released from it.’Why?’ I asked him, only half interested.

He seemed confused, uncertain, and he licked his lips ner­vously. ‘I am not a good man,’ he said at last. ‘I blame no one for it, save myself. And I joined this venture for gain, I admit it. But now . . .’ His voice trailed off and his face reddened. ‘Listen to what I say, sorcerer; I will have no part in betraying these people. You understand? They look up to me, they trust me. I want my soul released from the promise.’I stared at the man, disbelieving, and he misread my expression.

‘I know you think me a fool, and Mace will laugh until his sides split. But there it is. And my men feel as I do – every one of them.’You think it is any different with Mace?’ I countered.

Now it was his turn to be shocked. ‘What? What do you mean?’It is not difficult, Corlan. Look at everything he has done. Where is the profit? What gain has he made, save to be hunted by men and demons? He is the Morningstar. And had we, when first you came to us, asked you to give up the outlaw life and fight for justice, would you have done it? No. You would have laughed at US! Can you not see it, my friend? You do not need to be released from the Soul Oath. You have freed yourselves.’He shook his head. ‘You mean you tricked me?’I would not say tricked. What I offered was to make you rich beyond the dreams of common men. Answer me this: what riches are greater than the love and admiration of your fellows, the trust you spoke of? Would you sell it for gold or gems? I kept my promise, Corlan. You are richer now than ever before. Is that not to?’He took a deep breath, then nodded.

‘Now let us hear what the wizard can tell us,’ I said, striding away and into the cabin.

There were around a dozen people inside, some of Brackban’s new officers and several of Corlan’s hunters. Mace was sitting between Raul and Wulf and the men formed a half-circle around Megan and Cataplas. The old seeress was speaking as we entered, and I bowed in apology for interrupting her.

Corlan and I edged our way into the circle and Megan began again. ‘I believe I know what is happening in Ziraccu,’ she said, ‘but this man was there and you must listen to what he says.’ Half turning, she touched Cataplas on the shoulder. ‘Can you hear me?’ she asked him gently.

‘You must let me go,’ he told her. ‘They will seek me out, you see, and my powers seem to have deserted me.’First tell us what happened when you returned with the skull.’He began to tremble and blink rapidly, his skeletal frame convulsing. Megan reached out, laid her hand upon his head and whispered words in a language I had never heard. His eyes closed and his trembling ceased.

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Categories: David Gemmell