Gemmell, David – Morningstar

‘You’re not Angostin. You sound like one, but you’re not, are you?’I am the Morningstar,’ said Mace. ‘I am the mountains and the forest. I am the voice and heart of the Highlands. With all of this, do I need to be Angostin?’I am not the man you have to convince,’ said Scrymgeour at last. ‘My lord lies sleeping in the shelter. Convince him and you’ll have me.’I like loyalty in a man,’ said Mace easily, though I could sense his annoyance. He had turned his full power and charm on Scrymgeour but to no avail, it seemed. He swung away and we

walked towards the shelter. In the few brief strides before we reached it I told him of Raul and the vision Megan had sent him. He nodded and asked no questions.

Inside the ruined cabin I awoke the nobleman. Seeing Mace, he scrambled to his feet, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

‘Welcome to my camp, Raul Raubert,’ said Mace, his voice deepening, the accent sharpening and becoming more Angostin.

‘You are . . .’I am the man the vision sent you to find.’To which of the noble houses are you connected, sir?*’All that is past, Raul. Dead. Burned to ashes. Here I make no distinction between Angostin and Highlander. You understand? Here we are all men, and we will be judged by our actions. Once you were the Earl of Arkney. Now you are a young man abroad in the forest with nothing more than your armour and your weapons. It matters nothing that you are Angostin. Out there you are less than nothing, for you cannot catch a rabbit for your supper – and if you could, I doubt you’d know how to prepare it. You would starve in the summer, freeze to death in the winter. How will being Angostin save you? From this moment you are a Highlander -nothing more and nothing less.’The young man blinked and swung his gaze, first to me, then to Wulf and Piercollo and finally back to Mace.

‘I… don’t know what to say. I am Angostin and proud of it. I don’t know if I can put that aside.’There is always more than one choice in life, Raul,’ said Mace sternly. ‘You can, if you wish, ride from here and seek a ship to take you across the sea. You can sign on as a mercenary knight in foreign wars. Or you could put aside your armour and seek employment in the south, under another name. Perhaps you could be a scribe, or join a monastery. But I hope you will stay here and fight for your country and your people.’I want to fight,’ said Raul. ‘Gilbaud Azrek murdered my father and I must avenge him. My soul will not rest until I do.’Then what are you, Raul Raubert?’I am a warrior. A knight. What would you have me say?’What are you?’ repeated Mace. I saw that Scrymgeour and the brothers had entered the shelter and were listening intently. Raul swallowed hard.

‘I am a Highlander,’ he said.

He made as if to kneel but Mace stepped forward, taking him by the arms and pulling him upright. ‘I don’t want men on their knees,’ he said. ‘I want men who will bow the knee to no one.’It was a fine performance and I could see that the newcomers were all impressed by it. Mace was the very picture of nobility. Astiana smiled softly and shook her head. I caught her eye and we exchanged smiles.

Mace strode from the cabin, calling me to him. ‘Well?’ he asked me, as we moved out of earshot.

‘You were very fine,’ I told him.

‘Yes, I surprised myself. How simple it all is. How people long to be led. I wish I’d discovered it years ago.’What do you plan?’He turned to me, laying his hand on my shoulder. ‘You began it, Owen. Now I shall finish it. I will gather an army and I will take Ziraccu. After that . . . who knows? There will be gold and plunder aplenty. I intend to be rich, Owen. Maybe I shall cross the sea to warmer climes, buy a palace. By God, why stop at a palace?’You are mightily pleased with yourself,’ I snapped, ‘but may I remind you that we are still a small band of outlaws, and there is no army as yet.’You don’t see it, do you?’ he responded. The Earl of Arkney was ready to bend his knee to me – an Angostin prince! Oh, I shall raise an army. No doubt of that. Azrek can have no more than five hundred men at Ziraccu. There are ten times that many warriors in the forest. We will sack the city – and then I shall disappear.’Why stop at Ziraccu?’ I said, intending my voice to be mocking. But he did not notice the tone; instead he laughed aloud.

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Categories: David Gemmell