Gemmell, David – Morningstar

Back at the camp the others were awake, sitting silently waiting for Mace.

‘Well,’ said Wulf, as we approached, ‘what is the plan?’There is a storm outfall by the south wall. It branches off through the city sewers and there are three exits close to the palace. We’ll make our way to the first, find the Kings, kill them, then get out the same way.’None of us believed it would be that simple, but only Raul Raubert spoke. ‘There are portcullis gates across the outfall,’ he said, ‘and the entrance is sure to be guarded.’Then keep your hand upon your blade,’ answered Mace.

A figure moved from the undergrowth and Mace leapt to his feet with sword in hand – only to relax as he saw that it was Megan. The old woman was wearing a hooded cloak of soft grey wool, and she carried a long staff of knobbled oak.

‘I thought you were remaining in the village?’ said Mace, sheathing his blade and leading her to the fireside.

‘So did I,’ she answered ‘but I need to be closer to the city. My powers are weaker than I realized.’None of us spoke for a while, and I sat beside Megan and looked into her face. She was tired – bone-weary. I laid my hand upon her arm. ‘I want to thank you,’ I said softly, ‘for all you have done for me.’She nodded absently, then took a deep breath. ‘Gather round,’ she ordered us. One by one we sat before her, all except Mace who stood back with hand on sword-hilt, ‘When we talk of good or evil in a man,’ she began, ‘we do not think of the flesh or the muscle. We speak of the soul. And every man living is capable of both great evil and great good. The soul is like a fire with two colours of flame, white and red. The holy man will build the white. But the red is always there, waiting.’We have no time for this,’ said Mace.

‘Be patient, Morningstar,’ she chided him. ‘Now the Vampyre is a changed being; he has had the white drawn out of him, and he burns with the red. There is nothing of the white fire within him, nothing that can give birth to kindness, love or caring. He exists only for himself, only to gratify his appetites. You all know that Vampyres feed on blood. That is not quite true. Blood is life. They feed on the white, and the more they feed the stronger they

become. It is not that they have no souls, but they burn with a different light; they feed on innocence and purity. That is why there will be evil men within that city untouched by the Vampyres, working alongside them. There is so little of the pure spirit within them that there is nothing for the Vampyres to feed on.

‘I know you all, your strengths and your weaknesses. But know this, that the fires in your souls will draw them to you. They will sense your presence, they will feel you close. Whatever you do must be done swiftly. You will have no time to hide and wait -once inside the city, you must strike fast and hard. And if a Vampyre is close, kill it. Remember what I told you: the enchanted blades will cut them down, or fire will consume them. Not so the Kings; they must be beheaded.

‘I will be with you. But, as I said, I have few powers left. Once inside the walls you will rely only on each other.’God will be with us,’ said Raul. ‘I’m sure of that.’Megan said nothing.

We crouched down in the undergrowth at the edge of the tree-line, watching the sentries prowling the battlements.

‘Why wait for the dawn?’ whispered Wulf. ‘Surely it would be better to creep down under cover of darkness?’Look at them,’ answered Mace, pointing at the sentries. ‘Hooded and cowled against the coming light. They are Vampyres – and they can see in the dark better than you in bright sunlight. No, we wait. They will leave before the dawn, and then men will replace them. Still sleepy-eyed and half-dreaming of warm beds. That’s when we move.’It is a great risk,’ muttered Corlan.

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Categories: David Gemmell