Gemmell, David – Morningstar

She withdrew her hand and her face became pensive. ‘I do trust you. I would know if you were false.’ She sighed and sat. Wulf rose and brought her a water-sack, pouring a drink for her; she sipped the liquid from his copper cup and smiled her thanks.

Tell me about Golgoleth,’ I said. Her face darkened, her eyes gleaming.

‘He thinks he has won, but I will not have it so. He stole the weapons crafted to destroy him, and hid them with spells even I could not pierce. Until now!’You sent a Search-spell into the future,’ I said, amazed. ‘By God’s Holy Grace, that is power indeed!’And I found them. Even his spells cannot linger indefinitely. The weapons were hidden, as I suspected, in the depths of his own castle. The big man fell through the floor -I saw it – and I saw the wielder leap down and claim his blade. And then I knew what must be done. But it has taken me time . . . precious time … to cast the magick and travel the roads of future days.’ Her gaze turned to me, the power of her eyes upon me. ‘But you have not told me how you know me.’I knew you, lady. In my life we had already met before today. We were friends. In yours we have yet to become friends. My name is Owen Odell.’She nodded. ‘I shall remember it. But tell me, Owen Odell, you must know whether I won or lost?’I know. You must not.’She laughed then, a light rippling sound full of gaiety. ‘The complexity of time. I shall play the game, Owen. But where is the wielder?’He is coming. It is his destiny, I know that now.’What is his name?’He is known as Ashrael, the Morningstar.’Her gaze flickered beyond me and I turned to see Mace standing at the edge of the trees, longbow in hand, the black sword belted at his waist.

‘By God, Owen,’ he said, ‘that is your best illusion yet!’It is no illusion,’ I told him, rising. He stepped forward, disbelieving, and reached out to stab a finger at the golden-robed woman. Her hand slapped his aside and Mace leapt back in shock.

‘But… it is Horga! You created the image!’

‘No, I did not. And this, as you rightly say, is the lady of legend.’Mace bowed. ‘What can I say, madam? I thought Owen’s images were beautiful enough, but in the flesh you are a vision of loveliness.’I thank you, sir. But now – if I may – I would ask a favour of you. You have no need to grant it, but. . .’Say the word and I will empty the sea with a cup for you. I’ll take a mountain apart stone by stone.’I want you to come with me, back into the past. There is a great evil there that has almost conquered my world. Only a few heroes remain, ready to stand against the onslaught of the Dark. We need your sword – and the skill you have shown in using it. Will you come?’Mace turned to me. ‘Is this some jest, Owen?’I shook my head. ‘This is Horga. And the enemy they are facing is Golgoleth. She has walked the Mists to find you. Can you understand what that means?’It means that I have to go up against the bastard a second time. Oh yes, I know what it means.’I don’t think you do. You are being summoned into the past. You are the wielder of the black sword. Think, man!’And what do I get for this . . . favour?’ he asked Horga suddenly.

‘What would you want?’I see what I want, lady,’ he said, his gaze flowing over her body. ‘But is it part of the price you will pay?’She did not blush but smiled broadly. ‘Is that all? Then I agree.’Wait!’ I said, seizing Mace by the arm and pulling him back away from the group, out of earshot of the sorceress. ‘You have not understood a single word of this, have you?’ I whispered. ‘Do you know who you are?’Of course I know who I am. What sort of a question is that? I am Jarek Mace – and the most beautiful woman God ever created has offered herself to me. Now we both know that back in the past Rabain destroyed the Vampyre Kings. All I need to do is travel back with her, give him my sword and earn my reward. And I don’t need to fight a lost battle here. By God, Owen, I cannot believe my luck!’He tried to move away from me, but I kept a firm hold of his

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Categories: David Gemmell