Gemmell, David – Morningstar

‘You may die for that promise, Owen Odell.’All men die, Gareth.’‘Then journey to the Troll Reaches. Come as quickly as you can. I will find you – if I still live.’I noticed then that the spirit of Kircaldy was no longer present. ‘Where has he gone?’ I asked.

To a place of rest.’

‘And what of Lorin? He remains.’Cataplas has his ring. Until another guardian is found, Lorin will know no peace.’When I awoke the cave was dark, the fire merely embers casting soft shadows on the far wall. I rose silently and walked to the entrance. A cold wind was blowing across the mountainside, but I found Mace sitting with his back to a boulder, a cloak wrapped around his shoulders.

‘You look lost in thought,’ I said, seating myself beside him.

There is much to think about. Do you think Rabain was like me?’What do you mean?’An outlaw, a mercenary. Was he trapped into becoming the hero, or was he truly your Morningstar?’I don’t know, Jarek. Once I would have said he was everything the stories claim. But now I have seen the birth of a legend.’And you are disappointed.’Not exactly,’ I told him. ‘You did stand upon the road alone and defy the Angostins, and you did fight your way clear on the day of the Burning. Because of that Megan was freed. You faced the Shadows of Satan and you rescued Piercollo. You have courage. No man can take that from you.’Perhaps,’ he said, staring away over the mountains.

‘What is troubling you?’Brackban swearing to follow me unto death. I don’t want that sort of devotion; it makes me uneasy.’I now understand the mystery of Cataplas and the Three,’ I said, seeking to change the subject. He was at once interested and I told him of the dream meeting with Gareth and the ghosts.

‘You believe it was a true vision?’I do.’And you intend to find this Gareth in the Troll Reaches?’I must. I am now a Ringwearer.’.

He chuckled and shook his head .-‘Oh, Owen, what a wondrous fool you are. What help will you give Gareth? How will you stop Cataplas and his killers? Sing them to death, perhaps?’ He laughed, and I felt foolish.

‘You could come with me,’ I pointed out.

‘Why would I wish to?’You are a hunted man, Jarek Mace. Cataplas will find you one day – and with the third skull perhaps his powers would double. Then where would you be, Lord of the Forest? How will you battle the demons who will stalk you in these dark woods?’Still good-humoured, he thumped my shoulder. ‘Good, Owen! You do not appeal to my fine nature, nor mention friendship and loyalty. You send your shaft straight to the gold. I like that!’Then you will come with me? Gareth is in peril. He urged me to travel with all speed.’Til think on it.’

Chapter Nine

Brackban, Jairn and the militia soldiers left soon after dawn, heading south, but Piercollo had developed a fever in the night and Astiana remained behind to care for him. There was no way the giant would be fit to travel for several days and, though Mace wanted to leave him behind, Wulf and I refused. Ilka, though incapable of speech, made it plain she felt the same, sitting beside the wounded man and glaring up at Mace.

Jarek took his bow and quiver and left the cave without a word.

I banked up the fire with the last of the fuel and sat watching him stride out towards the forest.

Astiana moved alongside me. ‘Is he truly the Morningstar?’ she asked.

‘He is,’ I told her.

‘He is a callous man, hard and bitter.’That also,’ I agreed.

She asked how we met, and I told her of the rescue back in Ziraccu, though I left out small details like Mace’s adulterous adventures with the noble lady and his return for a share of the reward. I spoke also of how we saved Megan from the fire, and of the fight with the beasts in the forest.

‘They say he is Rabain come again,’ said Astiana, her gaze locked to mine. ‘Would you agree with such sentiments?’Who am I to agree or disagree? I am but a bard. Who was Rabain? What do we know of him, save that he fought the Vampyre Kings and was made King himself? Mace was talking of him earlier. Was he a wolfshead or a rebel knight? A prince or a peasant?’You are cynical, Owen,’ she said. ‘I thought all bards were romantics, singing of chivalry and honour.’I sing of those things. I dream. But here there is a grim reality. Death is sudden, brutal. Men are cruel, mindlessly vicious. Why did Lykos blind Piercollo? Why did they tie Megan to the Burning Stake? Why do the Angostins glory in war?’ I glanced back to

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Categories: David Gemmell