Gemmell, David – Morningstar

The blood upon the ground floated up in a red mist before us, forming into a crimson face, the eyes glaring at Mace.

‘I let Cataplas find you, Morningstar,’ came a cold voice. ‘I wanted you to know your enemy and see your own fate. You cannot hide from me. I know your true name. I can find you wherever you go. There is no hiding-place for the enemies of Golgoleth.’Mace said nothing . . . and the face disappeared, blood splashing to the earth.

‘Don’t ask me why, Mace,’ said Wulf, ‘but I get the feeling he doesn’t like you.’

Mace forced a tight smile and helped Megan to her feet. Men began to gather around, their faces white and fearful in the moonlight.

‘What will we do, Morningstar?’ asked one.

‘Get some sleep,’ Mace told them, striding away.

Corlan approached me. ‘The wizard spoke the truth. We are dealing with the powers of Hell, Can your enchantment protect us?’No, but the arrows Mace gave you can. You saw the shafts shining as they struck the demon. They are crafted with old magick, Corlan.’We need more than arrows,’ he said.

‘I know.’Til fight any man alive – any ten men. What I said today, I meant. I would take on the Battle King himself. But. . . God in Heaven!’Stay calm,’ I advised him. ‘We’ll talk in the morning.’ There was nothing else I could say. The evil was growing within the walls of Ziraccu and I could think of no way to combat it. Megan was a powerful enchanter, but her spell of Light had merely irritated the demon. And yet the strength in that spell was ten times, twenty perhaps, greater than anything I could create.

I strode into the cabin where Mace was sitting with Megan and Astiana. She looked old now, and very frail. Pulling up a chair I joined them.

‘You can’t,’ I heard Astiana say. ‘It would be madness.’Give me another choice,’ Mace snapped, ‘and I’ll gladly take it.’ Astiana shook her head and rose. Silently she left the cabin.

‘What are you planning?’ I asked him.

He ignored me, his gaze switching to Megan. ‘Well, can you help me?’ he demanded.

‘I will do what I can, Jarek. But you must understand that my strength is not what it was. I am like a child compared with Golgoleth.’Will you tell me what is going ort?’ I asked again.

‘He is planning to enter Ziraccu,’ answered Megan.

‘It is a city of Vampyres,’ I said. ‘You can’t mean it.’As I’ve just said to Astiana, if you could find another choice I’d be willing to listen,’ he answered.

‘But what is your plan?’

Til scale the walls, find Golgoleth and cut his bastard head off!’Just like that?’ I asked him, unable to keep the sarcasm from my voice.

He swore then, and for a moment I thought he would strike me. Instead he turned his head and took a deep breath. Then he spoke. ‘Do you think I want to do this, Owen?’ he said, not looking at me. ‘But you heard him. He says he can find me anywhere and Megan tells me that is true. So what do I do? Wait until his Vampyre army enters the forest? Wait until the entire land is peopled by the Undead? No.’Have you considered the possibility that he wants you to come to him? That it was why he appeared to you?’Yes, I have.’And how do you intend fighting off a hundred Vampyres, a thousand?’I shall enter the city in sunlight and find him before dark.’That will not help you greatly,’ said Megan. ‘Forget the legends, Jarek. Vampyres do not like sunlight, but they can bear it. There will be sentries, hooded against the glare of the sun. And there will be men who have been spared – evil men, who are now servants of Golgoleth. They also will patrol the walls.’Then offer me a different plan!’ he stormed.

‘I cannot,’ admitted Megan.

‘Then it is settled. I’ll leave at dawn.’Alone?’ I asked him.

He laughed then, the sound harsh and bitter. ‘No, I’ll ask for volunteers to accompany me, Owen,’ he sneered.’Everyone loves the Morningstar. I’m sure they’ll all want to come.’I wanted to offer, I desperately desired to find the strength to stand beside him. But at that moment I could not: My mouth was dry, my hands trembling. I looked away then.

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Categories: David Gemmell