Gemmell, David – Morningstar

Laying down the sabre I notched an arrow to Mace’s bow. Drawing back on the string, I aimed the shaft.

Just then something struck me from behind, hurling me to the floor, and I felt a weight upon my back and fangs ripping at my throat. I tried to roll, to twist my head, but the pain was excruciating. My face was pressed to the wooden floor-boards; my , hands scrabbled towards the sabre lying close, but the Vampyre’s fingers locked to my wrist.

I heard a hissing sound, then a crunching thud accompanied by the splintering of bone, and the weight vanished. I rolled to see Wulf on his knees at the far end of the corridor, his bow in his hands. A dark cloak was draped across me, a silver arrow upon it. I pushed myself to my feet.

The Vampyres within the hall had turned and were advancing towards me. Beyond them Mace had been disarmed and Golgoleth was holding him aloft by the throat, shaking him like a trapped rat.

Swiftly I gathered the bow, notched an arrow and loosed it at

the broad back of the Vampyre lord. The shaft slashed through the air. As soon as it was loosed I knew I had missed the killing shot, but the arrow plunged through Golgoleth’s forearm. He did not even seem to notice it, nor did he loosen his hold on the dangling figure of Jarek Mace.

But, just as the Vampyres reached me, I caught a glimpse of Mace reaching out and grabbing the jutting shaft, tearing it loose and plunging it into Golgoleth’s throat. A terrible scream rent the air and the Vampyres advancing on me halted and spun. Releasing his hold on Mace, Golgoleth staggered back. Mace fell to the floor but as Vampyres swarmed towards him he gathered his sword and leapt forward, the blade of light sweeping in a vicious horizontal cut that hacked through Golgoleth’s neck in one awesome stroke.

Within a single heartbeat the entire hall was empty and silent, save for Raul Raubert and the bloody but triumphant Jarek Mace.

The Morningstar fell to his knees. I sank to the floor, my back to the wall, and saw again my lovely Ilka. Emptiness flooded by soul.

And I began to weep.

Raul approached, putting his arms around me. Thankfully he said nothing, and I was comforted by his presence. After a while Mace, carrying the skull of Golgoleth, joined us. Raul explained about Ilka and the others and Mace patted my shoulder and walked out into the corridor.

Raul helped me to my feet and we followed the Morningstar. He was sitting beside the ashen-faced hunchback. ‘All this for a few skulls,’ said Mace, with a forced grin.

‘You ain’t so … handsome now,’ offered Wulf.

‘Women love scars,’ countered Mace. Slowly we made our way down to the lower hall, Raul half carrying Wulf and I supporting the Morningstar.

Night had fallen, but the city was empty and silent and we sat on the steps of the palace and felt the cool night breeze upon our faces. The wound in my throat was stinging, but I scarcely felt it.

After a while we heard the sound of marching men and saw Brackban, Piercollo and hundreds of warriors come into sight. Brackban ran to us, kneeling before Mace.

‘By God, you did it!’ he cried.

Mace was too weary to respond. ‘There is still one more king,’ I said.

Brackban shook his head and told me of Piercollo’s battle with Carleth. ‘How is Megan?’ I asked.

His face was solemn as he answered me. ‘She is alive, but she has a knife wound in her back – deep and, I fear, mortal.’ I closed my eyes, a great weariness settling over me. ‘You won,’ I heard him say.

‘I lost something more valuable, something more precious . . .’ I could say no more. Pushing myself to my feet, I wandered away into the deserted city.

Chapter Twelve

Moonlight bathed the silent city as I walked. I had no feeling for direction and was moving aimlessly. In the distance I could hear Brackban’s men singing of the victory, their laughter echoing in the narrow streets.

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Categories: David Gemmell