Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

O my soul!’

“Says I, ‘I can’t afford it, Mr. Holmes, and moreover I don’t want to.’

Blamed if I liked it pretty well, either, coming from a stranger, that

way. However, I started to get out my bacon and beans, when Mr. Emerson

came and looked on awhile, and then he takes me aside by the buttonhole

and says:

“‘Give me agates for my meat;

Give me cantharids to eat;

From air and ocean bring me foods,

From all zones and altitudes.’

“Says I, ‘Mr. Emerson, if you’ll excuse me, this ain’t no hotel.’

You see it sort of riled me–I warn’t used to the ways of littery swells.

But I went on a-sweating over my work, and next comes Mr. Longfellow and

buttonholes me, and interrupts me. Says he:

“‘Honor be to Mudjekeewis!

You shall hear how Pau-Puk-Keewis–‘

“But I broke in, and says I, ‘Beg your pardon, Mr. Longfellow, if you’ll

be so kind as to hold your yawp for about five minutes and let me get

this grub ready, you’ll do me proud.’ Well, sir, after they’d filled up

I set out the jug. Mr. Holmes looks at it, and then he fires up all of a

sudden and yells:

“Flash out a stream of blood-red wine!

For I would drink to other days.’

“By George, I was getting kind of worked up. I don’t deny it, I was

getting kind of worked up. I turns to Mr. Holmes, and says I, ‘Looky

here, my fat friend, I’m a-running this shanty, and if the court knows

herself, you’ll take whiskey straight or you’ll go dry.’ Them’s the very

words I said to him. Now I don’t want to sass such famous littery

people, but you see they kind of forced me. There ain’t nothing

onreasonable ’bout me; I don’t mind a passel of guests a-treadin’ on my

tail three or four times, but when it comes to standing on it it’s

different, ‘and if the court knows herself,’ I says, ‘you’ll take whiskey

straight or you’ll go dry.’ Well, between drinks they’d swell around the

cabin and strike attitudes and spout; and pretty soon they got out a

greasy old deck and went to playing euchre at ten cents a corner–on

trust. I began to notice some pretty suspicious things. Mr. Emerson

dealt, looked at his hand, shook his head, says:

“‘I am the doubter and the doubt–‘

and ca’mly bunched the hands and went to shuffling for a new layout.

Says he:

“‘They reckon ill who leave me out;

They know not well the subtle ways I keep.

I pass and deal again!’

Hang’d if he didn’t go ahead and do it, too! Oh, he was a cool one!

Well, in about a minute things were running pretty tight, but all of a

sudden I see by Mr. Emerson’s eye he judged he had ’em. He had already

corralled two tricks, and each of the others one. So now he kind of

lifts a little in his chair and says:

“‘I tire of globes and aces!

Too long the game is played!’

–and down he fetched a right bower. Mr. Longfellow smiles as sweet as

pie and says:

“‘Thanks, thanks to thee, my worthy friend,

For the lesson thou hast taught,’

–and blamed if he didn’t down with another right bower! Emerson claps

his hand on his bowie, Longfellow claps his on his revolver, and I went

under a bunk. There was going to be trouble; but that monstrous Holmes

rose up, wobbling his double chins, and says he, ‘Order, gentlemen; the

first man that draws, I’ll lay down on him and smother him!’ All quiet

on the Potomac, you bet!

“They were pretty how-come-you-so’ by now, and they begun to blow.

Emerson says, ‘The nobbiest thing I ever wrote was “Barbara Frietchie.”‘

Says Longfellow, ‘It don’t begin with my “Biglow Papers.”‘ Says Holmes,

‘My “Thanatopsis”lays over ’em both.’ They mighty near ended in a fight.

Then they wished they had some more company–and Mr. Emerson pointed to

me and says:

“‘Is yonder squalid peasant all

That this proud nursery could breed?’

He was a-whetting his bowie on his boot–so I let it pass. Well, sir,

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Categories: Twain, Mark