Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain


Ostensibly the Court of Directors, sitting in London and representing the

vast interests of the stockholders, was supreme in authority over the

Calcutta Great Council, whose membership it appointed and removed at

pleasure, whose policies it dictated, and to whom it conveyed its will in

the form of sovereign commands; but whenever it suited Hastings, he

ignored even that august body’s authority and conducted the mighty

affairs of the British Empire in India to suit his own notions.

At his mercy was the daily bread of every official, every trader, every

clerk, every civil servant, big and little, in the whole huge India

Company’s machine, and the man who hazarded his bread by any failure of

subserviency to the boss lost it.

Now then, let the supreme masters of British India, the giant corporation

of the India Company of London, stand for the voters of the city of New

York; let the Great Council of Calcutta stand for Tammany; let the

corrupt and money-grubbing great hive of serfs which served under the

Indian Tammany’s rod stand for New York Tammany’s serfs; let Warren

Hastings stand for Richard Croker, and it seems to me that the parallel

is exact and complete. And so let us be properly grateful and thank God

and our good luck that we didn’t invent Tammany.

Edmund Burke, regarded by many as the greatest orator of all times,

conducted the case against Warren Hastings in that renowned trial which

lasted years, and which promises to keep its renown for centuries to

come. I wish to quote some of the things he said. I wish to imagine him

arraigning Mr. Croker and Tammany before the voters of New York City and

pleading with them for the overthrow of that combined iniquity of the 5th

of November, and will substitute for “My Lords,” read “Fellow-Citizens”;

for “Kingdom,” read “City”; for “Parliamentary Process,” read “Political

Campaign”; for “Two Houses,” read “Two Parties,” and so it reads:

“Fellow–citizens, I must look upon it as an auspicious circumstance to

this cause, in which the honor of the city is involved, that from the

first commencement of our political campaign to this the hour of solemn

trial not the smallest difference of opinion has arisen, between the two


“You will see, in the progress of this cause, that there is not only a

long, connected, systematic series of misdemeanors, but an equally

connected system of maxims and principles invented to justify them.

Upon both of these you must judge.

“It is not only the interest of the city of New York, now the most

considerable part of the city of the Americans, which is concerned, but

the credit and honor of the nation itself will be decided by this


At a later meeting of the Acorn Club, Mr. Clemens said:

Tammany is dead, and there’s no use in blackguarding a corpse.

The election makes me think of a story of a man who was dying. He had

only two minutes to live, so he sent for a clergyman and asked him,

“Where is the best place to go to?” He was undecided about it. So the

minister told him that each place had its advantages–heaven for climate,

and hell for society.



Bishop Potter told how an alleged representative of Tammany

Hall asked him in effect if he would cease his warfare upon the

Police Department if a certain captain and inspector were

dismissed. He replied that he would never be satisfied until

the “man at the top” and the “system” which permitted evils in

the Police Department were crushed.

The Bishop has just spoken of a condition of things which none of us can

deny, and which ought not to exist; that is, the lust of gain–a lust

which does not stop short of the penitentiary or the jail to accomplish

its ends. But we may be sure of one thing, and that is that this sort of

thing is not universal. If it were, this country would not be. You may

put this down as a fact: that out of every fifty men, forty-nine are

clean. Then why is it, you may ask, that the forty-nine don’t have

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Categories: Twain, Mark