Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

gave her fellow-collegians, “because we all love you.”

If any one here loves me, she has my sincere thanks. Nay, if any one

here is so good as to love me–why, I’ll be a brother to her. She shall

have my sincere, warm, unsullied affection. When I was coming up in the

car with the very kind young lady who was delegated to show me the way,

she asked me what I was going to talk about. And I said I wasn’t sure.

I said I had some illustrations, and I was going to bring them in.

I said I was certain to give those illustrations, but that I hadn’t the

faintest notion what they were going to illustrate.

Now, I’ve been thinking it over in this forest glade [indicating the

woods of Arcady on the scene setting], and I’ve decided to work them in

with something about morals and the caprices of memory. That seems to me

to be a pretty good subject. You see, everybody has a memory and it’s

pretty sure to have caprices. And, of course, everybody has morals.

It’s my opinion that every one I know has morals, though I wouldn’t like

to ask. I know I have. But I’d rather teach them than practice them any

day. “Give them to others”–that’s my motto. Then you never have any

use for them when you’re left without. Now, speaking of the caprices of

memory in general, and of mine in particular, it’s strange to think of

all the tricks this little mental process plays on us. Here we’re

endowed with a faculty of mind that ought to be more supremely

serviceable to us than them all. And what happens? This memory of ours

stores up a perfect record of the most useless facts and anecdotes and

experiences. And all the things that we ought to know–that we need to

know–that we’d profit by knowing–it casts aside with the careless

indifference of a girl refusing her true lover. It’s terrible to think

of this phenomenon. I tremble in all my members when I consider all the

really valuable things that I’ve forgotten in seventy years–when I

meditate upon the caprices of my memory.

There’s a bird out in California that is one perfect symbol of the human

memory. I’ve forgotten the bird’s name (just because it would be

valuable for me to know it–to recall it to your own minds, perhaps).

But this fool of a creature goes around collecting the most ridiculous

things you can imagine and storing them up. He never selects a thing

that could ever prove of the slightest help to him; but he goes about

gathering iron forks, and spoons, and tin cans, and broken mouse-traps

–all sorts of rubbish that is difficult for him to carry and yet be any

use when he gets it. Why, that bird will go by a gold watch to bring

back one of those patent cake-pans.

Now, my mind is just like that, and my mind isn’t very different from

yours–and so our minds are just like that bird. We pass by what would

be of inestimable value to us, and pack our memories with the most

trivial odds and ends that never by any chance; under any circumstances

whatsoever, could be of the slightest use to any one.

Now, things that I have remembered are constantly popping into my head.

And I am repeatedly startled by the vividness with which they recur to me

after the lapse of years and their utter uselessness in being remembered

at all.

I was thinking over some on my way up here. They were the illustrations

I spoke about to the young lady on the way up. And I’ve come to the

conclusion, curious though it is, that I can use every one of these

freaks of memory to teach you all a lesson. I’m convinced that each one

has its moral. And I think it’s my duty to hand the moral on to you.

Now, I recall that when I was a boy I was a good boy–I was a very good

boy. Why, I was the best boy in my school. I was the best boy in that

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Categories: Twain, Mark