Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

The clergyman decided to make a collection for the survivors, if any.

He did not include me among the leading citizens who took the plates

around for collection. I complained to the governor of his lack of

financial trust in me, and he replied: “I would trust you myself–if you

had a bell-punch.”

You have paid me many compliments, and I like to listen to compliments.

I indorse all your chairman has said to you about the union of England

and America. He also alluded to my name, of which I am rather fond.

A little girl wrote me from New Zealand in a letter I received yesterday,

stating that her father said my proper name was not Mark Twain but Samuel

Clemens, but that she knew better, because Clemens was the name of the

man who sold the patent medicine, and his name was not Mark. She was

sure it was Mark Twain, because Mark is in the Bible and Twain is in the


I was very glad to get that expression of confidence in my origin, and as

I now know my name to be a scriptural one, I am not without hopes of

making it worthy.



Anthony Hope introduced Mr. Clemens to make the response to the

toast “Literature.”

MR. HOPE has been able to deal adequately with this toast without

assistance from me. Still, I was born generous. If he had advanced any

theories that needed refutation or correction I would have attended to

them, and if he had made any statements stronger than those which he is

in the habit of making I would have dealt with them.

In fact, I was surprised at the mildness of his statements. I could not

have made such statements if I had preferred to, because to exaggerate is

the only way I can approximate to the truth. You cannot have a theory

without principles. Principles is another name for prejudices. I have

no prejudices in politics, religion, literature, or anything else.

I am now on my way to my own country to run for the presidency because

there are not yet enough candidates in the field, and those who have

entered are too much hampered by their own principles, which are


I propose to go there to purify the political atmosphere. I am in favor

of everything everybody is in favor of. What you should do is to satisfy

the whole nation, not half of it, for then you would only be half a


There could not be a broader platform than mine. I am in favor of

anything and everything–of temperance and intemperance, morality and

qualified immorality, gold standard and free silver.

I have tried all sorts of things, and that is why I want to by the great

position of ruler of a country. I have been in turn reporter, editor,

publisher, author, lawyer, burglar. I have worked my way up, and wish to

continue to do so.

I read to-day in a magazine article that Christendom issued last year

fifty-five thousand new books. Consider what that means! Fifty-five

thousand new books meant fifty-four thousand new authors. We are going

to have them all on our hands to take care of sooner or later.

Therefore, double your, subscriptions to the literary fund!




Mr. Clemens spoke to the toast “The Disappearance of

Literature.” Doctor Gould presided, and in introducing

Mr. Clemens said that he (the speaker), when in Germany, had to

do a lot of apologizing for a certain literary man who was

taking what the Germans thought undue liberties with their


It wasn’t necessary for your chairman to apologize for me in Germany.

It wasn’t necessary at all. Instead of that he ought to have impressed

upon those poor benighted Teutons the service I rendered them. Their

language had needed untangling for a good many years. Nobody else seemed

to want to take the job, and so I took it, and I flatter myself that I

made a pretty good job of it. The Germans have an inhuman way of cutting

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Categories: Twain, Mark