Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

table can tell us, but I know of none. Himself his only



have seldom in my lifetime listened to compliments so felicitously

phrased or so well deserved. I return thanks for them from a full heart

and an appreciative spirit, and I will say this in self-defence: While I

am charged with having no reverence for anything, I wish to say that I

have reverence for the man who can utter such truths, and I also have a

deep reverence and a sincere one for a club that can do such justice to

me. To be the chief guest of such a club is something to be envied, and

if I read your countenances rightly I am envied. I am glad to see this

club in such palatial quarters. I remember it twenty years ago when it

was housed in a stable.

Now when I was studying for the ministry there were two or three things

that struck my attention particularly. At the first banquet mentioned in

history that other prodigal son who came back from his travels was

invited to stand up and have his say. They were all there, his brethren,

David and Goliath, and–er, and if he had had such experience as I have

had he would have waited until those other people got through talking.

He got up and testified to all his failings. Now if he had waited before

telling all about his riotous living until the others had spoken he might

not have given himself away as he did, and I think that I would give

myself away if I should go on. I think I’d better wait until the others

hand in their testimony; then if it is necessary for me to make an

explanation, I will get up and explain, and if I cannot do that, I’ll

deny it happened.

Later in the evening Mr. Clemens made another speech, replying

to a fire of short speeches by Charles Dudley Warner, Charles

A. Dana, Seth Low, General Porter, and many others, each

welcoming the guest of honor.

I don’t see that I have a great deal to explain. I got off very well,

considering the opportunities that these other fellows had. I don’t see

that Mr. Low said anything against me, and neither did Mr. Dana.

However, I will say that I never heard so many lies told in one evening

as were told by Mr. McKelway–and I consider myself very capable; but

even in his case, when he got through, I was gratified by finding how

much he hadn’t found out. By accident he missed the very things that I

didn’t want to have said, and now, gentlemen, about Americanism.

I have been on the continent of Europe for two and a half years. I have

met many Americans there, some sojourning for a short time only, others

making protracted stays, and it has been very gratifying to me to find

that nearly all preserved their Americanism. I have found they all like

to see the Flag fly, and that their hearts rise when they see the Stars

and Stripes. I met only one lady who had forgotten the land of her birth

and glorified monarchical institutions.

I think it is a great thing to say that in two and a half years I met

only one person who had fallen a victim to the shams–I think we may call

them shams–of nobilities and of heredities. She was entirely lost in

them. After I had listened to her for a long time, I said to her: “At

least you must admit that we have one merit. We are not like the

Chinese, who refuse to allow their citizens who are tired of the country

to leave it. Thank God, we don’t!”


With Mr. Howells, Edward Everett Hale, Thomas Nelson Page, and

a number of other authors, Mr. Clemens appeared before the

committee December 6, 1906. The new Copyright Bill

contemplated an author’s copyright for the term of his life and

for fifty years thereafter, applying also for the benefit of

artists, musicians, and others, but the authors did most of the

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Categories: Twain, Mark