Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

vowel in it with a definite value, and not a consonant that you can hitch

anything to. Look at the “h’s” distributed all around. There’s

“gherkin.” What are you going to do with the “h” in that? What the

devil’s the use of “h” in gherkin, I’d like to know. It’s one thing I

admire the English for: they just don’t mind anything about them at all.

But look at the “pneumatics” and the “pneumonias” and the rest of them.

A real reform would settle them once and for all, and wind up by giving

us an alphabet that we wouldn’t have to spell with at all, instead of

this present silly alphabet, which I fancy was invented by a drunken

thief. Why, there isn’t a man who doesn’t have to throw out about

fifteen hundred words a day when he writes his letters because he can’t

spell them! It’s like trying to do a St. Vitus’s dance with wooden legs.

Now I’ll bet there isn’t a man here who can spell “pterodactyl,” not even

the prisoner at the bar. I’d like to hear him try once–but not in

public, for it’s too near Sunday, when all extravagant histrionic

entertainments are barred. I’d like to hear him try in private, and when

he got through trying to spell “pterodactyl” you wouldn’t know whether it

was a fish or a beast or a bird, and whether it flew on its legs or

walked with its wings. The chances are that he would give it tusks and

make it lay eggs.

Let’s get Mr. Carnegie to reform the alphabet, and we’ll pray for him–

if he’ll take the risk. If we had adequate, competent vowels, with a

system of accents, giving to each vowel its own soul and value, so every

shade of that vowel would be shown in its accent, there is not a word in

any tongue that we could not spell accurately. That would be competent,

adequate, simplified spelling, in contrast to the clipping, the hair

punching, the carbuncles, and the cancers which go by the name of

simplified spelling. If I ask you what b-o-w spells you can’t tell me

unless you know which b-o-w I mean, and it is the same with r-o-w, b-o-r-

e, and the whole family of words which were born out of lawful wedlock

and don’t know their own origin.

Now, if we had an alphabet that was adequate and competent, instead of

inadequate and incompetent, things would be different. Spelling reform

has only made it bald-headed and unsightly. There is the whole tribe of

them, “row” and “read” and “lead”–a whole family who don’t know who they

are. I ask you to pronounce s-o-w, and you ask me what kind of a one.

If we had a sane, determinate alphabet, instead of a hospital of

comminuted eunuchs, you would know whether one referred to the act of a

man casting the seed over the ploughed land or whether one wished to

recall the lady hog and the future ham.

It’s a rotten alphabet. I appoint Mr. Carnegie to get after it, and

leave simplified spelling alone.

Simplified spelling brought about sun-spots, the San Francisco

earthquake, and the recent business depression, which we would never have

had if spelling had been left all alone.

Now, I hope I have soothed Mr. Carnegie and made him more comfortable

than he would have been had he received only compliment after compliment,

and I wish to say to him that simplified spelling is all right, but, like

chastity, you can carry it too far.




I am here to make an appeal to the nations in behalf of the simplified

spelling. I have come here because they cannot all be reached except

through you. There are only two forces that can carry light to all the

corners of the globe–only two–the sun in the heavens and the Associated

Press down here. I may seem to be flattering the sun, but I do not mean

it so; I am meaning only to be just and fair all around. You speak with

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Categories: Twain, Mark