Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

Rogers, to whom she dedicated her life book. And she has a right to feel

that way, because, without the public knowing anything about it, he

rescued, if I may use that term, that marvellous girl, that wonderful

Southern girl, that girl who was stone deaf, blind, and dumb from

scarlet-fever when she was a baby eighteen months old; and who now is as

well and thoroughly educated as any woman on this planet at twenty-nine

years of age. She is the most marvellous person of her sex that has

existed on this earth since Joan of Arc.

That is not all Mr. Rogers has done; but you never see that side of his

character, because it is never protruding; but he lends a helping hand

daily out of that generous heart of his. You never hear of it. He is

supposed to be a moon which has one side dark and the other bright.

But the other side, though you don’t see it, is not dark; it is bright,

and its rays penetrate, and others do see it who are not God.

I would take this opportunity to tell something that I have never been

allowed to tell by Mr. Rogers, either by my mouth or in print, and if I

don’t look at him I can tell it now.

In 1893, when the publishing company of Charles L. Webster, of which I

was financial agent, failed, it left me heavily in debt. If you will

remember what commerce was at that time you will recall that you could

not sell anything, and could not buy anything, and I was on my back; my

books were not worth anything at all, and I could not give away my

copyrights. Mr. Rogers had long enough vision ahead to say, “Your books

have supported you before, and after the panic is over they will support

you again,” and that was a correct proposition. He saved my copyrights,

and saved me from financial ruin. He it was who arranged with my

creditors to allow me to roam the face of the earth for four years and

persecute the nations thereof with lectures, promising that at the end of

four years I would pay dollar for dollar. That arrangement was made;

otherwise I would now be living out-of-doors under an umbrella, and a

borrowed one at that.

You see his white mustache and his head trying to get white (he is always

trying to look like me–I don’t blame him for that). These are only

emblematic of his character, and that is all. I say, without exception,

hair and all, he is the whitest man I have ever known.





Mr. Clemens responded to the toast “The Compositor.”

The chairman’s historical reminiscences of Gutenberg have caused me to

fall into reminiscences, for I myself am something of an antiquity.

All things change in the procession of years, and it may be that I am

among strangers. It may be that the printer of to-day is not the printer

of thirty-five years ago. I was no stranger to him. I knew him well.

I built his fire for him in the winter mornings; I brought his water from

the village pump; I swept out his office; I picked up his type from under

his stand; and, if he were there to see, I put the good type in his case

and the broken ones among the “hell matter”; and if he wasn’t there to

see, I dumped it all with the “pi” on the imposing-stone–for that was

the furtive fashion of the cub, and I was a cub. I wetted down the paper

Saturdays, I turned it Sundays–for this was a country weekly; I rolled,

I washed the rollers, I washed the forms, I folded the papers, I carried

them around at dawn Thursday mornings. The carrier was then an object of

interest to all the dogs in town. If I had saved up all the bites I ever

received, I could keep M. Pasteur busy for a year. I enveloped the

papers that were for the mail–we had a hundred town subscribers and

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Categories: Twain, Mark