Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

“Right!” Tom exclaimed. “And not only that—


the treatment would kill off any harmful insect life that might be carried along.”

Dr. Faber’s eyes danced. “Think of it!” He chuckled. “A deep freezer in every florist’s shop!”

When Blake had finished showing his exhibit, Tom congratulated the botanist on his success. As the three left the laboratory, Dr. Faber said, “I was wondering if you’d care to accompany me tomorrow on a short field trip to study the Antarctic wildlife? I’m particularly interested in making some observations on the behavior of penguins and whales.”

“Fine!” agreed Tom, who was in the mood for some recreation. “We’ll take the pontoon plane.”

This was a light and useful little amphibian craft which he had substituted for the jet-lifted helicopter just before leaving Shopton.

After an eight-hour sleep and a good breakfast, Tom and Dr. Faber took off.

At first the sky was clear and the mountain ridges cast blue-black shadows in the snow. Everything stood out in sharply chiseled detail. On the exposed cliff faces, red and green lichens mingled with white and gray patches against the blackish rock, creating a colorful effect.

But gradually the sky became overcast. Earth and sky seemed to meet in a ghostly, shadowless white universe with no horizons. Tom headed for the Bay of Whales, a watery indentation in the great Ross Barrier.


On a snow field at the edge of the water, where they sighted a large school of Adelie penguins, Tom came down for a landing.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor