Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

“Thanks, Senator Rives!” Tom exclaimed, as they shook hands. After he left the Senate Office Building, he went directly to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, where both he and his father were known. He asked to see an agent with whom he had had many previous contacts.

“What brings you to Washington, Tom?” inquired the FBI man when the young inventor was seated in his office.


Tom described his plans to drill for iron at the South Pole, and told how the expedition was now being balked by a flood of public protests. He also mentioned the activities of Ivor Bronich.

“I have a hunch,” Tom went on, “that a lot of those complaints may have been inspired either by Bronich himself or other Kranjovian agents. By getting the United States government to call off our expedition, they hope to have a free hand in grabbing that ore for themselves.”

The FBI man nodded. “Wouldn’t be the first time they’ve pulled that kind of stunt. Subversive organizations often try to influence Congressmen and other government officials by high-pressure mail campaigns.”

“If I gave you a list of the people who sent those letters and telegrams,” said Tom, “would you have your local agents check them for me?”

“Glad to. But it’ll take several days.”

Tom thanked him, then stopped at a nearby hotel, where he called Senator Rives’ office and asked the secretary to send the FBI the list of names. Next, he made a long-distance call to Grandyke University, where Dr. Roy MacGregor did research in meteorology. Tom told the scientist about his South Pole plans and asked him to join the expedition. Dr. MacGregor accepted the offer with enthusiasm.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor